Chapter 13

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1877 words

At that time, I was studying words, and I was learning to use words such as mom, dad, dog, home, etc., and used these words to form phrases for fun. Because the forearm muscles have not yet developed well, the written words are crooked. Nevertheless, after seeing the papers I used to practice, Isis still exclaimed excitedly: “Our Aisha is really a genius!!”

His eyes were so bright that it almost made me sweat.

Since then, I have been called a genius by everyone.

I started reading fairy tale books by myself when I was very young. After I was seven years old, I stopped reading fairy tale books and started to learn more difficult knowledge. My mother was a little worried that my studies would be overwhelming, but I didn’t feel it was too difficult.

I also warned myself not to behave like a genius too aggressively. Although I am not a successor, under normal circumstances, the talented royal family is likely to be the target of the heir’s guard.

Of course, I am not that kind of person.

In addition, Isis as the crown prince is very good to me, so there is no need to worry about it.

But the people following them may have other thoughts, and I must always beware.

Therefore, whenever someone asks what my dream is, I always say: “I want to go into the Tower of Scholars and continue to study.”

For the royal family, the dream should first be to become a successor, secondly to be courtiers, and thirdly to be scholars. This is very obvious.

If you try to live a low-key life in the future, no major events should happen.


I sighed.

But imagine that if a person stays in bed all the time, life will become boring.  So whenever I find something new and interesting, I want to learn instead of doing flipping exercises, reading boring fairy tale books, or repeating some words that I already understand.

Compared to those boring days every day, it’s great to be able to learn something like this.

In addition, by reading a book, I can learn more about the empire, understand the situation and news of the mainland, and explore.

What I care about most is the “elves”.

Looking at the elves who are always beating in front of my eyes every day, they naturally care about them. And, when I can’t open my heart and live alone in the past of this world, the elf is my only friend.

Is there no way to make me know more about elves?

In order to understand them more deeply, I started to go in and out of the library and searched for a long time before I found a book about elves.

But unfortunately, the spirit veins have disappeared for a long time, so the Royal Library has no useful records.

When I was troubled by not being able to understand elves, I was inspired by ancient languages.

Because this is not something the emperor should master, so I have never learned ancient languages. Therefore, there is no knowledge of ancient languages ​​in my memory.

I heard that there were many elves in ancient times, and there were also many types of elves. If you learn the old language, you may find some clues about the elves.

So I started to study ancient languages.

In the afternoon, I will ascend the mountain behind the palace, leaning against the tree to study ancient writings. After Isis’s swordsmanship class is over, he always comes to chat with me. This is the happiest time for me.

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