Chapter 3

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1604 - words

It's spring outside. New leaves grow out and climb into the flower pots, the beautiful spring when everything is revived.

Of course, it's not that I completely believed in Isis overnight. No matter how good he is to me, my heart has been closed.

The days passed quickly. As a child, I sleep more.

After eating the food fed by the nanny, blinking my eyes, I fell asleep again before I knew it.

I occasionally dream at night, and every time at that time, my former family members will appear in my dreams.

I was originally the daughter of Empress of Edenbell, but because of the legal polygamy of Edenbell, the emperor had many concubines.

Among them are the Empress and three imperial concubines who are truly recognized as members of the royal family, as well as six princess and princes including me.

My mother, Empress Mingcheng, has a kind of indifferent character to her children.

More important than family affairs, maybe this is the image of an imperial Empress.

However, for children, she is an unqualified mother. I never hugged my mother once.

But I have half siblings and Lakias. He is cold to others, but to me he is a warm brother.

Although the relationship between the brothers and sisters in the palace is not very good, with the increase of age, after Lakias was appointed as his successor, the relationship between the children began to improve. And since Marianne came in, it became more harmonious, and the palace began to brighten up with the child as the center. I am therefore very grateful to this child, and probably others are like this too.

Maybe it is because of this?

Does Lakias feel even more betrayed by me when he thought I wanted to poison Marianne?

But he was wrong, I never thought about killing Marianne. He didn't believe me, so he was disappointed in me. But if he tried to believe me once, I wouldn't be so sad.

"Princess, princess."

I opened my eyes slightly, and her worried face appeared before my eyes.

ㅡThat's it suddenly.

I closed my lips tightly.

"It looks like you have a nightmare."

While talking, the nurse wiped my eyes with a towel, and I knew I was crying.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid," a cordial voice came, and a pair of gentle hands embraced my little body.

"There will be no more nightmares." Her unique warm fragrance stimulated my nose, and she whispered in my ear, "Isn't there is mother?"

I blinked.

Empress Iris, my mother, she looked at me with tender eyes.

I stared at it blankly, but also for a while. I pretended to be over again.

The Empress still hugged me tightly, and then I heard her say "Today is a special day."

Does she want to say, my mother and father, the queen of the palace and the emperor have tea together?

"Today is very suitable for going out."

This is a very rare thing. Because I am still young and introverted, I don't go out often. This long-lost trip is also the reason why the queen found it early in the morning.

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