GenshinImpact(AyatoKamisatoXFemReader) A Restless Night 🍋🍋🍋

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(( This story is rated MA 18+ this story includes sexual content containing sexual themes vulgar language and heavy smut descriptive sexual content all characters in this book will be aged to 18 if not already older I do not support any accusations of sexualizing minors or want to trigger and body so you have all been informed of you are not 18+ please click another book I don't want this one deleted too I also have this book being copied on my phone and posted to FanFiction.Net under the username of RYD701 ))

(( HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE ENJOY THIS CHAPTER AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKE IT , Who's your favorite Genshin character mine is ITTO!!!💜❤️))

Thoma : Lord Ayato ? Lady (Y/n) has returned and wonders if you have time for a visit ?

Ayato : Yes of course.Thoma would you please bring us some tea ?

Thoma : Of course .

Thoma smiled and stepped aside letting (Y/n) into Ayato's room , see the two of them have been engaged since they were younger it was their parents choices at first but time moved forward and (Y/n) naturally started falling for Ayato and he did the same .  They were told at a young age that they could love anyone they wanted but at the end of their lifetime they will be married to each other no matter what . (Y/n) used to hate the idea constantly criticizing anything that Ayato did or said .. it wasn't until tragedy stuck in her family and the only person she had to turn to was Ayato that her eyes opened to what a fine man he was turning into .

Ayato had always admired (Y/n)'s will , she was strong and knew what she needed to do regarding the responsibility she had as the next head of her house hold , he wouldn't describe the way he felt back then as love at first sight the only time he'd ever really understood it was words on a page . Sometimes he would watch her reactions to the things he said just to see if he could confuse her and tease her alittle bit as well he was a kind man but he thought she was cute when he would recite a paragraph from a novel to her and she didn't understand it making her frustrated when he wouldn't  explain it to her . (Y/n) was meant to be pure untouched until marriage that is what she was told to do but one night it was storming heavily and (Y/n) arrived to the Kamisato Estate angry at her parents looking for his wise words to motivate her into staying strong like he admired her to be . He gave her those wise words of encouragement and offered her shelter with him for the night so she didn't have to return home while it was raining , that night she had broke her vow of abstinence and allowed Ayato to take off her wet clothes and lay together that night as man and woman not husband and wife .. Ayato felt guilty he enjoyed his time with her that night but he hated the fact she broke her promise so he could selfishly touch her all over her naked body . Since that night he stole a few kisses but nothing else inappropriate had happened again no matter how many times the mood was just right .

Today was different though she came to visit Ayato because of missing his gentle touch she had decided she would do anything to get him to touch her again , she did not care that she had broken her vow Ayato was the man she would marry someday so giving herself over to him over and over until that day was something she didn't fret over .

" Good Afternoon My Darling .~" She smiled waving at him casually while entering his room waiting for the door behind her to close .

Ayato : A surprise visit Hm? you look beautiful , what brings you here today ?

" I missed you I was out running errands today and decided to stop by and make sure you weren't working yourself to death ."

Ayato : Hm no I'm not but I have to continue working I have so many reports to file I have no idea when I will even finish them .

" Ayato , can't it wait for a little while I was hoping to spend some quality time with you?~" He looked up from his notes knowing he couldn't ignore her begging eyes desperate for his attention .  He was a gentleman and pleasing his Future bride was important to him just as much as Inazuma possibly even more.

 Rated MA ! AnimeXFemReader Lemons/Smut Book Where stories live. Discover now