Naruto/ Kakashi HatakeXFemReader Begging For Sensei 🍋🍋🌶

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(( This story is rated MA 18+ this story includes sexual content containing sexual themes vulgar language and heavy smut descriptive sexual content all characters in this book will be aged to 18 if not already older I do not support any accusations of sexualizing minors or want to trigger and body so you have all been informed of you are not 18+ please click another book I don't want this one deleted too I also have this book being copied on my phone and posted to FanFiction.Net under the username of RYD701 ))

What's it like ... to die .. I'm looking up trying to find some kind of hope and I see nothing but pitch black .. is this what it's like , is this the end. If I try to take a harder breath will it be the last one I take .. I need help and I don't think I could cry out for someone even if I thought someone was around .. I have to try don't I .. I can't just quit like this .. I groaned quietly reaching for my stomach that was soaked with blood .

My legs feel numb I can't stand .. I can't stand I'm done !!! I pressed down on my wound as hard as I could but my strength was a joke at this point , I've been out here to long bleeding and I'm having doubts any of my comrades have even survived.. I can't doubt .. I can't cry even though I want to more than anything I took a forced shaky breath and looked up into the tall trees .. I never told him , I'm such an idiot all this time I've had and I wasted it .. Damn it Damn it .. im going to die here bleeding out and never have been loved because I was a freakin chicken .. I looked to my side seeing some bushes start to move .

I can't fight anymore .. I can't .. I struggled to move my blood covered hand to my bag and held the handle of my Kunai . " P-Pakkun..?"

I laughed quietly thankful it was the leaf ninjas that found me on my last breath .

Pakkun: (Y/n) you're in bad shape don't move , save your energy Kakashi is coming .

" Ka..kashi.." Rin.. was this your doing as some sort of last minute torture for me to see the man we've both loved all our life watch as I die too ..! How cruel ..

Pakkun: Hey! Don't go closin your eyes !

I swear .. I swear I see you standing there crying for me Rin .. am I closer to being by you again .. " Rin.."

Kakashi : No , it's not time to be with Rin now .. you're going to be just fine as soon as we get you to a medic ninja we will get you all fixed up .

Pakkun: Kakashi , she's lost a lot of blood that's how I found her here .. I don't think she'll make it .

Kakashi: She'll be fine let's go we have to hurry .

My legs dangled over his arms while he picked me up holding me to his chest , Pakkun is right .. there's no use I still see her running behind Kakashi as if she were right there . " Kakashi.."

Kakashi: Don't speak okay you can't die on me too (Y/n) you hear me ... I know you miss Rin but focus on me , stay with me .

I want to , I want to stay with you more than anything but this feeling is stronger than that and I'm just so tired ..

*Many days later *

" Ughaa." I groaned placing my hand on my stomach slowly opening my eyes seeing a ton of white .. "Either something really bad happened and your in heaven with me or this is the oddest dream I've ever been in Lady Tsunade .." I smiled after turning my head to see her faced towards the window .

Tsunade : (Y/n) .. I'm so happy you've woken up .. for a while I thought you wouldn't wake up to be honest .

" Why did I .. I lost so much blood..I should be dead right ..?" I asked quietly .

Tsunade: Yes .. you did die.. quite a few times .. it was because of Kakashi why you're are lucky to be alive right now .

" Kakashi carried me to the village .."

 Rated MA ! AnimeXFemReader Lemons/Smut Book Where stories live. Discover now