MHA (EijiroKirishimaXCheaterFemReader) Good and Bad Mistakes 🍋🌶🌶

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Tw this story contains cheating and begins with no consent to sexual advances . If your triggered by this stuff I'd recommend not reading .

Wattpad disclaimer
(( This story is rated MA 18+ this story includes sexual content containing sexual themes vulgar language and heavy smut descriptive sexual content all characters in this book will be aged to 18 if not already older I do not support any accusations of sexualizing minors or want to trigger and body so you have all been informed of you are not 18+ please click another book I don't want this one deleted too I also have this book being copied on my phone and posted to FanFiction.Net under the username of RYD701 ))

*Lemon Start*

" Next question ?" I said calmly looking to the many microphones in my face .

Reporter : (Y/n) it's true you've been dating Bakugo , but rumors says you and him are on a rocky path right now it that true !?

My face changed from calm to agitated in a second not being surprised by the intrusion on my personal life , "Look do you have a question about my hero life I prefer to talk about that other than my private life ...Next Question ?"

Reporter2: Is it true you and Red Riot were each other's childhood crushes !?

" No ! He and I have been friends since middle school that's it , if that is all I have things I have to do , thank you all for speaking with me stay safe ." I faked a smile and walked away , my patrol was done and I couldn't be more eager to get to my date with Katsuki that is until my phone rang . 

" Hey Katsuki  , I was just thinking abo-"

Bakugo : Look I know you wanted to hang out tonight but honestly I have to train Deku is doing so much more than me and I can't lose to him anymore , for the next few weeks do me a favor and just entertain yourself I need to focus and you distract me way too much .

" Katsuki this is the fifth time you canceled on me !?" I yelled in a hushed tone over the phone .

Bakugo : Like I said I have to focus ! Be a big girl and get over it for now okay I really don't have time for the extra arguments just to makeup at two in the morning to tired to do anything the next day . I'll talk to you later hell call up Kirishima and hang out with him for all I care atleast then he won't annoy me either .

" K-." That asshole he hung up on me ! I swear he was doing so good when we graduated and now he's turned into a Ego maniac with an even bigger attitude problem ! Screw him I'll go to the mall and have a non judgmental shopping spree !


No matter how many cute things I find I just can't shake my attitude.. Katsuki and I are growing farther and farther apart and every time I try to fill that gap up he takes more then ten steps back , I sighed holding a shirt up to my body looking in the mirror .

Kirishima : Hm maybe the red one instead ?

I turned around quickly seeing Kiri walking up to me with a smile , " Eijiro , what are you doing here ?"

He smiled and held up a singular black box .

Kirishima: I needed new running shoes , I thought you and Bakugo had that date tonight ?

" Pft , I can't remember the last time we had a date , I'm just shopping trying to use some of the extra free time I have ."

Kirishima: Well you and I should hang out than , what do you say it's been awhile since you and I have hung out besides patrolling .

 Rated MA ! AnimeXFemReader Lemons/Smut Book Where stories live. Discover now