Seven Deadly Sins (BanXFemReader) True Happiness 🍋🍋🌶

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(( This story is rated MA 18+ this story includes sexual content containing sexual themes vulgar language and heavy smut descriptive sexual content all characters in this book will be aged to 18 if not already older I do not support any accusations of sexualizing minors or want to trigger and body so you have all been informed of you are not 18+ please click another book I don't want this one deleted too I also have this book being copied on my phone and posted to FanFiction.Net under the username of RYD701 ))

" Okay you guys, wakeup call for everyone who doesn't live here I need you to go now come on come on!" I sighed walking over to Meliodas and Ban who were passed out with their heads on the bar. This is almost every night you'd think they learn.. "Meliodas, Ban, go to your beds its late and I need to clean up ." Actual war could be going on outside and they wouldn't wake up, first I had to wake up my boss the man who literally saved me from being homeless and gave me a job when my guardian's threw me out ." Sir Meliodas come on go to bed or I'll tell Elizabeth about what you used to do with ladies before she came alone ." His eyes opened quickly and he picked his head up slowly , he tapped Ban's shoulder before getting out of his seat Ban instantly responded to the pat and woke up starting to stand up too . " Thank you ." I sighed wiping down the counter silently watching Meliodas walk to his bedroom like he was still asleep all hunched over .

Ban: (Y/n)? It's late you should go to sleep .. Hey~, wanna sleep with me tonight ?~

" No thanks by the time I finish up with this I'll be exhausted and too be honest with you if we go to your room I doubt we will sleep." The truth is I was angry with Ban, it wasn't with something he could help but I couldn't help but to be upset with him .. He keeps having dreams about Elaine it was a real love for him so I don't expect him to forget about her but if he hasn't moved on I wish he would tell me .

Ban: Come on ~ You know you want too,~

I do but .. not to be woken up by him calling out for Elaine , " Ban.. I'm not really in the mood for games." his face fell serious and he stepped in front of me giving me a irritated glare /

Ban: Why are you blowing me off ? For days you've been super moody with me and won't let me touch you at first I thought you might be trying to tease me or something but now I'm just getting irritated .

" Nothing I'm just tired and have a lot of work to get done." I can't keep avoiding his gaze Ban knows me too well he can tell when something is bothering me sometimes I love it ,but sometimes its irritating .

Ban : (Y/n) you're lieing you've been acting strange since the last time you slept in my bed , so what was it I know it wasn't the sex you were clearly enjoying that , so what did I snore too loud did I fart on you or something I'm confused .

I sighed quietly trying to ignore him the best I could, he snatched the rag from my hand and waited for me to make eye contact with him, " Ban quit. I don't want to talk about it .

Ban: Oh well, you're giving me the cold shoulder and I want to know why , why wont you look at me or let me touch you all of a sudden?

" I hate the way I feel right now .. I feel so selfish and every time I tell myself that I'm overreacting I just get madder .. I don't want to keep doing what were doing , I'm done."

Ban: Huh? You're done? (Y/n) I'm not understanding what are you saying ?

We aren't dating so we can't break up.. "Starting tonight I'm going to get over you, I'll move on and then I won't be mad about the things I can't change."

Ban: Whaat no way. (Y/n) there's no way you're dumping me without an explanation.

" I'm sorry but you won't get one .. please stop bugging me I have to finish cleaning." He's usually so stubborn I wasn't expecting him to leave so soon after that, but he did and I was hurting but this was my only option he will never love anyone like he loved her. Ban was silent with me for days acting as if I didn't exist, walking right past me .. I could tell I hurt his feelings but it would hurt him more if I shared what made me so angry, there was no way I could be so heartless to bring up his dead lover ..

 Rated MA ! AnimeXFemReader Lemons/Smut Book Where stories live. Discover now