Chapter 13

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Okay guys before I start writing I have something to say; DID YOU GUYS SEE THE PROMO FOR THE 2 HOUR FINALE ?? OKAY PANIC TIME.

Regina's POV

I was walking to Gold's shop, wondering how this perfect day went so horribly wrong. Gold had just married Belle, and well for me, Robin and I were finally starting to sort things out after what had happened with Emma and Marian.

I wasn't really mad at Emma anymore, it wasn't her fault for what happened and I knew she had only good intentions. I was angry at Gold now for what he had done today to transport Emma to another realm and become 16 again.

"Regina, what brings you here?" I just wanted to slap the smug grin right off his face, but I held back knowing that Belle was with him and plus it wouldn't get us anywhere.

"Listen, Gold, I know that you don't care what happens when you do magic, but it affects some people."

"While I may not care, your majesty, I have no idea what your talking about."

Great, and I thought he'd own up to it.

"Emma." A one word explanation was all it took to describe the situation. This weeks situation.

He laughed.

"You think I was behind that, do you? Well I'm sorry to inform you, but I had nothing to do with that. Thats some strong magic, maybe even stronger than mine."

He seemed genuinely honest, but I was still skeptical of his words.

"Then if it wasn't you, what do you supposed happened to her?"


I rolled my eyes.

"Just not your magic, right?"

Later on that day, I found Emma sitting on a bench near the pier looking greatly perplexed.
"Sw- I mean Emma, are you alright?"

She turned around and looked at me with eyes full of tears.

"No, how could I be? I'm so confused. I start high school and now I'm in the future?"

I shook my head and pointed to the town.

"Emma, no, you've got it all wrong. This isn't the future, it's the present. You're older, 29 to be exact, and where you just came from wasn't the past, it was some- well other dimension or something."

She blinked a few times still gaping at me.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but you've said you've saw this place in visions right?"

She sniffed.
"Yeah, but I don't remember it."

I patted her on the back.

"Don't worry, you will."

That night, I woke up to the sound of screaming and I felt a familiar tingling feeling run though my body, and I just knew.

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