Chapter 6

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I walked into school on Monday ready to talk to Jefferson about the crazy memory thing.
I walked into my first period to see Belle seated way in the back of the room all by herself.
I guess her and..Mr.Gold did break up after all, and he was taking it pretty hard.
Well, so was she.

I sat down in my seat next to Mary Margaret and where Belle use to sit and tapped Jefferson on the shoulder.


He gave me that strange smile like he knows something I don't.

"Hey Emma."

"Um, this might sound weird, but every time I'm around my friends they keep getting these..memories in their head. Plus," I started to whisper. "Ruby turned into a wolf."

He laughed.

"Oh, Emma."

I was ready to go off on him for not believing me, but I had one of those memories that my friends were talking about. It wasn't really anything, just a flash of something, and then it quickly went away.

I was in a hospital, it was me, but it wasn't. It was too complex and odd feeling to explain. I was in a hospital with someone who's face I couldn't really make out.
There was someone-a boy-lying in the hospital bed, who had just died there.

I- if it actually was me in the memory- was shattered by this boys death, and I was angry at the other person, who I could now make out as a woman, in the room for some reason.

Did that really happen? It was like a blurry scene of a movie that was burned into my brain. No, it couldn't of happened, it wasn't even really me. I was older I think.

"Jefferson, please believe me. I know it sounds crazy but-"

"It doesn't sound crazy. Just ironic."

"What are you talking about?"

"In time you will find out things that you would have never expected. Hopefully you'll bring us all home and to our original state. It's on you, Emma."

I was completely and utterly confused about what he just said, but I was done trying to argue with him. He never really makes sense anyways.

Throughout each class, my mind wasn't really focused on whatever we were supposed to be doing in class; I was too focused on the memory thing, especially mine.

I tried make another memory pop into my head, but I was unsuccessful.

I tried again. I closed my eyes, blocked out the sounds around me, and completely focused.
I saw something. A dog, a black and white Dalmatian, and-

"Hey Swan."

Hearing Killian's voice made me snap out of the memory.

"What?" I snapped at him.

"I just-"

I cut him off by grabbing his face between my hands and kissing him. In the middle of class. In front of everyone.

The thing is, I don't know why I kissed him. First off, I was angry at him because of what had happened at Regina's party.
Second, I didn't even like him, but for a split second I thought I did, and I kissed him, but I broke it off pretty quickly.

He was grinning.
"What was that for?" He said.

"It doesn't matter. It shouldn't have happened."

I looked around at my classmates:
Mary Margaret was gaping at me, Ruby looked both shocked and excited, Belle looked at me in a disapproving way which confused me.

Regina was glaring at me, which made me remember her warning.

I didn't like him, I didn't like him, I didn't like him.

Something in me deep down, something I didn't really understand was saying the opposite.

I glanced around the room again. It was like I felt something between me and my classmates, something that I couldn't put my finger on. It was like I knew them, but, like, In a different form or time or something. This was getting too weird.

I have to change schools before this gets out of hand.

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