Chapter 8

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So last chapter was pretty short, this one might be kind of long.
As fun as it was in Regina's POV I'm going to write in Emma's again.

Emma's POV

This has been the longest day ever and I was happy to finally be at home, well if this place counts as home.

My parents, foster parents, were arguing about something in the kitchen, so when I walked through the front door I went straight up to my room.

I couldn't help but feel awful for Regina; I can't believe she's leaving school.

I thought maybe we were actually starting to become friends. I wanted good things to happen to her since I believed that she is a good person, a good person who was hit hard by the world.
Poor Regina.

I sat on my bed drowning in my own thoughts for a while, until my phone buzzed.

I was just going to ignore the message, but it buzzed multiple times and I realized it was actually a call, and I probably should answer.

It was Ruby, who also had Mary Margaret, and Belle on the other lines.

Why didn't she just text us?

Ruby sounded like she had just run a mile; she was so out of breathe I thought she might die.

She was also crying. Actually, it was more like balling her eyes out.

What else could've happen? I couldn't help but feeling like everything bad or strange that kept happening to everyone was my fault. Everyone seemed to been having a good life until I arrived at Storybrooke High.

"Guys..." She could barely even speak.

"I-I got to go. Just..turn on the news."

She hung up the phone and I ran downstairs to where my parents were watching the tv in the living room.

I grabbed the remote and turned the channel as fast as I could.

Some female news reporter, who was blonde and looked as if she was in her thirties, was talking about something that happened over the weekend.

"A body was found this morning near the woods outside of one of Storybrooke's residents home." The reporter spoke.

She went on.
"A teenage male, was found covered in dried blood and teeth marks all over him."

Teeth marks. Woods. Friday. I was starting to realize why Ruby was so upset.

Just then, something even worse happened.

Regina's mother, who's name said Cora Mills at the bottom, came on the tv.

"I found the body this morning, right outside of my house. My daughter said that she knows the boy, someone from her school. Looks like a wolf to me."
Cora spoke.

The reporter came back on the screen.
"You said your daughter went to school with him, do she know his name?"

Cora spoke again.
"His name is Billy, I'm not sure about the last name."

Billy, Ruby's boyfriend. I suddenly felt weak.

"Emma, is everything okay?" My father spoke.

"Did you know that boy?" My mom asked.

"Emma?" They both said.

All I could choke out, and apparently I screamed at the top of my lungs, was


That was the last thing I said before I woke up in Storybrooke's hospital.

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