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The next day Outside the wu family.

A large group of people stood outside the gate of the wu family watching the show that is about to go on.

"Hey do you thingk he will cry and beg for mercy  from the wu family patriarch. " said a passerby.

"Hump! So what if he cries. The wu family will not keep a trash that is of no value. Especially when he was already unfavoured from the day he was born. " said another commoner with  distaine.

"Ha ha... A level 3 master at 14 years old. My daughter is already 15 years old and she is already level 8 spiritual warrior.




The people outside was discussing about wu bang when they saw him appear.

But contrary to what they expected wu bang was calm.

The guards at the wu family gate just snared at him. Before looking at him superiorly.

Wu bang only glance at him before walking away.

Everyone saw that there is nothing to watch and all disperse.

By the time wu bang reaches the demon beast  mountain. Su bai was running after a demon beast snake that was a big as a car.

He then used his spiritual power to create wind blade that slices through the snake like butter. Cutting it into 4 large pieces.

That was the scene wu bang saw when he just came.

Although wu bang was still expressionless he was shock inside. Never less he still walked over to su bai respectively.

'Even if master is not human. I now only have him to in my life' thought wu bang as he respectively called out.

" master"

Su bai didn't rush to turn around, because he had already smelled him when he just appear.

"This snake will be our dinner tonight". Said su bai as he walked away into the demon beast forest.

Wu bang also walked into the forest but instead of picking up all the snakes meat he only grabbed one piece before following after su bai.

This was the difference between between an intermediate spiritual warrior and a low level spiritual warrior.

If it was an intermediate spiritual warrior, they could carry all this snakes meat without getting tired. But he was only a low level so just one piece of snakes meat can make him tired.

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