Chapter 6

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Already got a lot of things on her mind & realizing what she just did just hours ago, Dahyun is back at home as she's mostly staring at the space & hasn't sinked in completely as there might be a 50-50 chance that she has to give the babygirl away to the parents........once the officers find them. Her phone then starts ringing as she wonders who could be calling the blondie at 10 o'clock at night & then sees the police station calling her & answers it

"Hello?" "Hello, is this Dahyun Kim?" "Yeah, this is she." "I think we may have found someone who's at our station." "Okay, should I come over?" "Yes ma'am." "I'm on my way."

Dahyun gets up & checks to see if the baby's asleep as she goes to her room & it's pretty quiet alright. She then rushes to get out of the door & then walks across her neighbor's apartment as she knocks on the door before heading out as she heads to the station

Dahyun then finally arrives to the station after a 45 minute power walk as she gets nervous to see who they found, but as she walks in, she then sees a woman in her mid 20s standing by the receptionist's stand awaiting for answers & just stands there as she doesn't even know what's going on really. She then walks slowly as she goes to the stand & figured that the lady would have one request on her mind : talk to the blonde pale girl alone

"What's going on?" "This lady wants to speak to you." Speak to Dahyun? That can't be right. But wait, why Dahyun? Couldn't they just get questions answered from the police instead? Maybe the reason of this request has to be on if the little girl is safe, right?

"Wait, why only me? Don't y'all want to take her to the interrogation room?" "Actually, this request was made by her through dinner."

Wait just a minute, this isn't a trap, isn't it? Nah, but it mostly confuses Dahyun, but also has her hesitating in following through, but deep down in her heart, she needs answers. However, she decides to go with the request & follows the lady as they leave the station

Does it feel weird to be back at the same store where the little girl was heavily abandoned & found by a stranger? Yes & no. But Dahyun is no stranger really, she's an idol for God's sake. They get their food, the pale girl pays for it & then sit by the bench as they sit in silence & eat, but then the lady breaks the silence at last as there is a positive chance she can finally get some answers

"So, how is she?" "Umm, she's good. I'm feeding her, changing her & putting her to sleep, but why did you really want to talk to me?" "I know that you wanted to know about her birth parents, right?" "Yes, but I don't really know your name." "Myunhee, I'm the little girl's birth aunt & I want you to do me a favor." "Uhhh, yeah yeah anything." "I want you to protect her from my brother."

Wait a minute, what? Something's not making any sense here. Surely, Myunhee's brother is nice, sweet & caring like her, right? Like Dahyun doesn't really want to judge a book by its cover, but still wants to know answers

"But why me though?" "To keep her from being like her mom & dad." Dahyun's eyes widen as she's processing what the actual fuck is going on completely & then asks, "and what do you mean by that exactly?"

Dahyun doesn't seem like she's ready to hear something dark that might traumatize her forever, but she really did come this far as to what happened, so Myunhee takes a deep breath & then starts her story

"They were addicted to drugs, well my brother still is. He wasn't like this before, but around college, he started hanging with the wrong crowd & it got him expelled. They met when he was with his "friends." She was really clean before he got her completely hooked. When she found out she was pregnant, her mission was to get help, but when she told him she wanted to get clean, he refused to let her. I gave her a chance to leave him, but she was too much in love to do just that. She was so excited to be a mom, but that fateful day changed completely. Delivery day, she was so nervous after it was time, we were hoping we were gonna have a beautiful & happy day, but then it turned to tragedy." "What really happened next?" "She died after she was born. He didn't take the news lightly as he went on a complete search warrant to find who "killed her & basically wanted her dead." He was too high to realize that he could've gotten her help instead of continuing the addiction."

Seeing as how shocked that it's starting to make sense now, Dahyun starts thinking a bit before looking back at Myunhee

"Whatever you do Dahyun, please protect that little girl & under any circumstances, if my brother finds you, do not give her to him. I don't want his druggie hands on her at all times, do you understand?"

Dahyun is still in shock after what she heard as she didn't know what type of shenanigans that went down, but then looks down a bit before looking at Myunhee & just nods her head, but then realizes that she left the baby at home & then decides to get the fuck out of here, but first then pays for the food & then immediately power walks out of the convenience store & hurries before it's too late

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