Chapter 2

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It was around the next morning as both Dahyun & the baby were asleep as she hears her alarm go off 3 times, but turns it off completely & goes back to sleep, but little did she know that she was completely late for work, so she checks her phone & her eyes widen open

"Shit, shit, shit" was all Dahyun thought in her head silently as she jumps up out of the bed & immediately tries to rush as she takes a shower, brush her teeth, put her clothes on, get the little munchkin, her bag, puts her in her neighbor's baby's car seat & literally rushes to the studio

She then finally arrives at JYP Entertainment still running from realizing how late she is & heads to the studio basically sort of out of breath, but still made it in time as she then sits the seat on the floor as she then goes to her members that she's ready to practice, but boy oh boy, she's in for a rude awakening

While the music is blastering & the girls are dancing, soft cries come out of nowhere & then the pale girl stops what she's doing & grabs her full attention & heads to the restroom as Jihyo & Jeongyeon get so confused as what is clearly going on & the brunette haired leader leaves the studio to find the young pale woman

Jihyo walks around thinking about what the hell was that about as she needed to get to the bottom of what's going on completely, so she then slowly knocks on the door & opens the door to see Dahyun trying to get the baby to sleep

"Hey sweetie what's going on?" "Nothing, I don't know what you're -" before Dahyun could finish her lie, the baby continued to cry as Jihyo looked at the car seat as she had plenty of questions she have for her, but now that she's literally understanding what's really going on, the leader of the group finally asks, "Dahyun, who's baby is that?"

"Fuck, the jig is up," Dahyun thought to herself as she really have no other choice but to tell Jihyo, but then again, the thoughts in her mind is she might tell the other members of what's going on literally, but then again, she can trust her this girl has kept so many secrets, so she could be trusted, right?

"I don't know I saw her beside the convenience store & didn't want to leave her alone really." "Have you reported her to the police?" "No I haven't." "We can report her missing." "But what's that gonna do? What if it takes forever for them to find her parents? I want to protect her, Jihyo. Just trust me, please."

Okay, Dahyun might be on to something. Sure, she wants to protect the baby, but then what would the end result be though? Jihyo knows this might be a stressful job to play mom, but the blondie knows what she's getting herself into. Maybe she can handle this hopefully, but Jihyo looks at Dahyun & gives it a complete thought & then nods her head in approval as she's still rocking the girl to sleep as she's still crying

"Do you want me to help out?," Jihyo asked softly as Dahyun nods her head at her. Maybe this won't be too bad for her to keep this situation between them until they're ready to explain to the rest of the group what's going on

"Can you get her bottle please?" Jihyo then gets the bottle & passes it to Dahyun as she's already gotten some warmly made bottles she brought with her as she then starts feeding her & then looks at her leader & then asks, "can you keep this between us?" & then looks at the baby as smiling of happiness. "Of course, anything for our little Dubu."

Meanwhile, back at the practice room, the rest of the girls are practicing without any distractions & goes completely smoothly, but one has to wonder : what was that literally about & why did Dahyun just stop & go to the restroom mid into their practice? Surely, they really need answers & want them completely, but they'll ask her later........or maybe eventually

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