Katherine just nodded her head, giving him a look as he proceeded. "Wh-what happened when you went through the experiment. I mean...I know we went through the same stuff..." Steve looked down at his feet. 

"We didn't go through the same stuff." Katherine said firmly, her mood shifting. Steve's face shifted as well, one that said he was about to make an apology and that's when Katherine sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just-it's just I still don't remember half of what happened to me..As of lately..I-I feel like I don't even know who I am anymore.." Katherine looked up at Steve who was still staring back at her, she slowly formed a smile on her face. "Makes me seem a little crazy right? Like I became Harley Quinn and broke out of the looney bin." Katherine kicked the dirt underneath her feet. "I can only imagine what you think of me..."  

"What do you mean?" 

"What I mean... Captain... is I am literally everything you stand against..." Katherine gave him a serious look. "I am not patriotic to this country, like at all. I am not good, I'm not brave, I freaking killed people for a living...and the worst part of it all was that I enjoyed it. I didn't care what happened to anyone else as long as I was okay...I-I'm not good...I spent so long in the darkness and I-I don't even remember who I was...i don't remember how to be good...I don't think I ever can..." 

Steve walked up to me, placing his hands on my shoulders, making me look up at him. "Do you want to know what I think?" Katherine nodded her head. "I think you're one of the bravest people I know. Sure you did bad things in the past, sure you're not perfect but honestly who is on our team? The only thing that matters is that you changed. You saw what you were doing wrong and now you're fighting to change it. Instead of fighting against the world, you're fighting for it. You ask me, anyone who's willing to do that and anyone who's willing to admit what they've done wrong and wear it on their sleeve and face it head on instead of running away, well that's the person who's worthy of being apart of this team." 

Katherine didn't say anything, only closing her eyes and nodding her head. She kept her eyes closed until she knew that she wasn't going to release any tears. When she reopened her eyes, she looked up directly at Steve. "Thank you Captain.." 

"For what?" 

"For being one of the two people who sees something worth redeeming in me..." Katherine offered him a small smile. 

"I'm guessing the other person is Barton?" Steve laughed slightly, causing Katherine to blush. "The two of you are really cute together. I'm glad you've found someone who's made you happy..everyone deserves to after all.." 

Katherine smiled. "I ne-I never thought I'd ever find someone like him..I never thought-I never thought for a second that I'd ever deserve someone like him, and I'm still not sure I do. But he continues to take his chances on me and for that, I'm forever grateful. He came into my life during a time when i had no one, and at first he was a pain in my ass...he still is..but he stayed in my life and changed it for the better.." Katherine messed with her arrow necklace. "What he's given me is far more than I can ever express in words..." 

"You two really do love each other." Steve smiled. "You thinking of maybe settling down and adding a little one to the mix?" Steve half joked. Katherine froze in her place, unsure of how to answer next.

"Wh-why would you ask that?" She stuttered. 

"Just wondering. Seems like the two of you are bound to tie the notch eventually." Steve shrugged. "I wouldn't doubt it in my mind if Clint didn't have a ring picked out from the first day he's met you. the way he speaks of you, and looks at you..it's like ... I can't explain it, it's like the two of you are meant to be.." 

"You believe in destiny Captain?" Katherine looked at him. 

"I don't know exactly..I mean I do believe in fate and destiny." Steve leaned up against the tree that was near them. "But I also believe that we are fated to that we choose. What about you? You know your destiny already?" 

"I've been told since I was little that I am destined for darkness, for hatred, for death.. Do you want to know what ive been telling them this whole time?" Steve nodded his head. "I told them that I choose my own destiny. I dont let anyone define my fate but me."

"If I didn't know any better...I'd say the ever so allusive Katherine Thorne was getting emotional." Steve joked, raising the mood. 

"Well you know what they say.." Katherine laughed. "Everyone is bound to have a moment. Just so happens that I've been having mine more so now that I've finally chosen the good guys." Katherine joked as they continued to go for their morning runs. Katherine was the only one who could actually keep up with Steve without getting tired as fast. Gotta love that super soldier serum. Hydra sure knows how to experiment. Katherine may have the serum running through her veins but it was her dedication and training that kept her alive. She never needed anything special or out of a bottle. 

Author's note: 

sorry i havent been updating this story, been super busy and honestly completely been having writers block but I made a new playlist and im ready to start updating again :D 

sorry this chapter sucked coconuts but the next one will be really cute and fluffy with a spice of badass ;D 

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