♥ eighty nine ♥

Start from the beginning

I almost wanted to spit the word at her but I knew that would solve nothing. I was snapped right back into reality as soon as she stood up and jumped over to my side.

"Yep let's go," she smiled, leading me out the door. I nodded simply before following her. 

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

I let her do all the talking but I realized that might not have been such a good idea after 5 minutes of hearing about how she ruined a batch of cookies.

"I still can't believe how quick the chocolate burnt! I thought 70 minutes was supposed to cook them just right," she pouted.

"SEVENTY? Are you insane?!" I asked, snickering at her glare.

"No. I'm not insane. But I do need to get something from the storage room. Let's go?"

Storage room? What could she possibly need in there? Mr. Clean wipes for her face? Even that wouldn't do enough.

...Sorry that was a bad joke.

I shrugged before following her through a few winding hallways and down a set of stairs to a large metal door.

"This is the storage room?" I asked, unsure if we were in the right place.

"Yep! Let's go," she smiled, opening the door and letting me enter. Me being the idiotic main character I am, let her snatch my purse off my shoulder before slamming the door and bolting it shut on me.

"SORA!" I yelled through the door. Though I'm sure it didn't do much. This metal barricade had to be 4 inches thick.

Frowning I turned to the dark storage room before flicking on the light switch. The lights flickered on, only to brighten the room with a yellow, musty light. 

The room wasn't much better either. For a storage room, it was quite empty. However, that didn't make it any less terrifying and horror movie-ish. 

"SORA!" I tried again, banging on the door. 


She took my purse with her too so I had no possible way to call anybody or get out of here. My phone was in a pocket deep in my leather bag.

Feeling frustrated in my own self, I slid to the dirty floor with tears in my eyes. The initials on my legs turned a baby blue, making me break down into tears.

                                                                 .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.

What felt like hours later and suddenly I had a butterfly feeling in my stomach. My throat was dry and parched from the dusty air and lack of water and my stomach was growling painfully. How long had it been? 

I stood up, dusting myself off before I felt the feeling again. Except for this time in my head. The wonderful feeling made my weak in the knees, craving a warm hug from one of my soulmates.

Suddenly someone's voice entered my head, making me scream. 

"Where are you..."

My eyes widened as I gently tapped my head. Did I imagine that or did it sound like Yoongi?

"God Y/n please be okay..."

Yes. It was definitely Yoongi. Did he know I could hear him? Or maybe I was going crazy?


I'm not sure if it worked. All of a sudden my head was filled with a sweeping warmth.

"Y/n?! Can you hear me?"

"Yes! I think you're communicating with me or something."

I was getting excited over the sudden ability but I had to remember the problem at hand.

"Idiot where are you?! Why is your phone constantly going to voicemail?"

"I'm locked in the storage room downstairs!"

"Why the fuck are you in the storage room? Do you know how dangerous that place is?!"

"Yes I know I know. Sora locked me in here and took all my forms of communication."

"Who the hell does she think she is?! Hold on we're almost there."

The warmth drifted from my mind as everything started to clear. I turned to the big metal door as soon as I heard it open. 


I jumped into Jungkook's arms with what energy I had left.

"How long have you been down here?" Taehyung mumbled, pressing kisses to my kneck and cheeks.

"Uh since right after we sent you guys out."

Their eyes widened in shock. 

"Y/n you've been down here for 5 hours!" Hoseok exclaimed, sweeping me from Jungkook's arms into his own. 

"I've had it up to here with Sora. We have to get something on her."

"Are there any cameras down here?" I asked quietly. My voice scratchy.

"I'm afraid not," Namjoon looked around before sighing.

"It's okay Y/n. We'll get her," Jimin pat my head and kissed my cheek.


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