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-Karl's Pov-

Ever since I had told my boyfriends about my future memories sapnap had been more protective over us. He 'needs' to know were we are. Quackity was happy, but I sensed sadness from him.

Sapnap was in the bathroom upstairs shaving his facial hair, and me and Quackity was in the kitchen. My short lover was at the table scrolling through his phone. He seemed a bit . . . Depressed, I wanted to- no I Needed to know why he was sad.
Walking over to him I kiss him on the cheek "Hey Ducky, you ok?" I use my pointer finger and thumb , placing them on his chin turning his head to me.
He smiles at me "Nothing love, just . . . Idk" he sighed.
I look at him glancing "Tell me" I say cupping his face.
He places his palm on my hand.
"It's just that, In your future memory I was getting taken away and sapnap almost died. Probably from protecting me" Tears pricked down his eyes.
"Don't worry, Sapnap is and will be alright" I reassured him
"Promise?" He asked me
"I promise"
We hear footsteps coming down the stairs. He looks at me Quackity. I motioned him to come over to us. He looked confused but walked over and joined us. He looked at Q and gets a bit worried. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked cupping Q's face, rubbing his thumb on His cheekbone. And intertwining his free hand with mines.
"Nothing important" He tries to reassure sapnap, but he doesn't fall for it. Glancing at Quackity, Q gives in and tells Sapnap what wrong. "It's ok, I was fine. Karl was there to heal me."
"I know but- what if he wasn't-" Q was cut off bye sapnap pressing his lips against his. "I'm fine" sapnap said in a demanding tone. Quackity smiled and giggled a bit.
Sapnap looks at me and grins "don't think I forget about you" He leans in toward me and our lips meets. He doesn't pull away admittedly. When he pulls away my face turns red and I turn away, they both chuckle at me.
I looked at my clock and seen that it was almost time for me to leave for work.
We all had some type job. I worked night shift as a bartender, Quackity was gambler, he was weirdly good at it, he never lost a game. So he came in with loads of money. Me and sapnap was worried on the things he would bet on. Sometimes he would bet on his eyes or finger, or some other body part. We told him to stop because what if he does lose. He would lose a limb.
Sapnap got money from King Eret for protecting us, But he guarded the town at night for mobs or anything else.
"I gotta go to work soon" I kissed there foreheads and walk upstairs to my closest and slipped my work clothes on and walked down stairs.
"You look so hot" Quackity smirked at me.
"I know right" Sapnap joined in
I chuckled and grabbed my keys blowing them a kiss goodbye and walking out the door.

A Prince's Lovers(1) | A Karlnapity fanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ