°Two boys°

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-Sapnap's Pov-

I guard the castle with my friend dream next to me talking about how hot his boyfriend was.
"George is so hot, I wish he was here right now" Dream smiled
I wish I had someone I liked but I never had time to go out to the town and meet people. "If King Eret heard you, he would laugh at you" I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Your just jealous you don't have a boyfriend"
"Stfu dream! Atleast I take my job seriously"

"Dream, and Sapnap! Come see king now" I heard yell from inside the castle. We rushed inside the castle and met up with king Eret. We bowed "Yes king"
Dream looked up and seen his boyfriend "George!" He rushed over to him and picked him up
"Dream out me down you idiot" George smiled blushing
"I know you like when I pick you up." Dream laughed and kiss George on the forehead
"Last night the scouts in town chased down a boy around you guys age, and I want you two, too find him. Here's a picture" He handed me a picture "He was last spotted running into a bar. I want you guys to find him"
"Ok sir" I bowed
"Can we bring George?" Dream asked. I sighed at his request
"Sure, just make sure he's safe" Eret sternly said. We smiled and walked out the castle. Dream keep Kissing George, it made me feel single.

We arrived at the town, looking for the bar. "I think that one is it" George points at a bar. "Your so smart Mushroom" (Dream calls George, his 'Mushroom'.)
"I don't wanna hear you two be lovey dovey. I'll go inside the bar" I walked in the bar sighing, looking around other that seeing a few guys drunk or just talking. I see two boys around my age. I pull the picture out my pocket that's him!? I walk up to the two boys "hello sirs, how are you two?"
They look over at me, one of the boys look confused. He had black hair just as me, but Smooth and in a mini ponytail. He had a 12-15 inch scar down his face. He had warm golden eyes. The other boy look like he recognized me, he had brown curly hair with freckles with calm and gray eyes.
They're fucking hot'- I shake my head focusing "could you follow me?" I look at the boy with the long scar.
"Only if karl gets to come with" The other boy slightly glares at me. I smiled at him "Sure, don't worry the king just wants to see him."
"Oh, ok" He smiled back at me
I feel my heart becoming warm. I grab onto my chest area and take a deep breath to clear my mind "Anyways, follow me" Lead them out the door

A Prince's Lovers(1) | A Karlnapity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now