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-Alex's Pov-

After me and Charlie had our talk about me escaping we had became close friend, he had shown me how to use certain weapons and I showed him how to win in a casino.

"I do call myself the king of the casino" I say in pride, crossing my hand behind my head.
"Wow, did your dad teach you?" Charlie asks me in surprise
"No, I taught myself. I can beat my old man any day" I sit up on the sofa chair "so when am I gonna . . . You know, escape?"

"Tonight, I hope you got enough money to last you awhile" charlie smiled at me "Do you got your things packed?"
"Yea, I got everything I would need, why?" I ask in concern
"Because, your going to flee to king Eret's Kingdom"
"That's so far away! I might get caught by scouts"
"You can do it Alex" He giggled at me. "Your such a worry wart"
"I'm just trying to be cautious" I sighed in irrigation
"Well, if your always cautious you'll never have fun in life"

The sun is setting and I'm in my room looking through the tinted windows. I unfold my wing from my back and let them spread out. The suns light hits my wing, casting a golden hue onto my wings. I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I stare directly at my hair that is in a ponytail. I take out the rubber band that keeps my ponytail together, and my hair cascades down past my neck. I should cut my hair, it's getting to long. Opening my cabinet I find blade I guess I don't have any scissors, a blade will do I grabbed the blade and with my other hand I grabbed my hair, I press the blade against my hair and slice it off. The hair falls to the floor. Now I look at the mirror to see evenly cut black hair. I place the blade on the sink and walk out the bathroom. I grabbed the clothes on My bed. A black shirt with black and white pants. A black cloak and black shoes. Plain, but not seeable in the dark.
I put on the clothes, and grab my bookbag, shuffling it onto my back. I put on a black mask and take a deep breath.

The sun was mostly down, it was more dark than light
So I tipped toed down the stairs, with a small creak on every step I took. I walked down the stairs and I met up with Charlie .
"Ready to go!" he asks me
"Yep" I say. We silently opened one of the doors. And walked out the doors shutting them.
It's time for me to live me own life

A Prince's Lovers(1) | A Karlnapity fanficWhere stories live. Discover now