The Boiling Rock Pt.2

Start from the beginning

(Y/N) tilted sat up a little bit straighter, "I'm not pretending. Despite the circumstances, I do still care-"

He was interrupted by Azula standing up knocking her chair back, "Since you will not answer my questions then we are done here. Once I'm done here you are coming with me and you will be locked up in the same dungeon that uncle used to reside in." 

She went to walk away for (Y/N) to say, "You'll always be my sister Azula."

Azula stopped at the door for it to look like she was going to say something but walked out of the room to close the door for (Y/N) to hear her, "Make sure that he doesn't leave this room. If he escapes I'll throw both of you into the boiling water myself."

Both of the guards sounded a little fearful, "Y- Yes Princess Azula."

(Y/N) was in the room for awhile until he heard a loud noise to see his door open. Outside the two guards were looking around as every cell door opened. As they were distracted (Y/N) quickly pressed a pressure point on their necks knocking them unconscious. As they fell (Y/N) quickly grabbed them to drag them into the room, walk out, close the door, and whistle innocently as he walked to the yard. He made it to the yard to see a riot underway to look to his left to see a prisoner sent flying towards him. He ducked to look back and see that it was Zuko who had thrown the prisoner.

Zuko ran up to him, "Where are the others?"

(Y/N) looked around until he spotted Sokka, Hakoda, Suki, and Ty Lee hiding behind a wall. He pointed at them, "There."

Zuko and (Y/N) quickly ran to them for a fire ball to be sent to them by accident. Zuko slid underneath it as (Y/N) jumped over it tucking his legs in. They got close to the others for a guard to grab each of them. Zuko elbowed his guard in the gut and flipped him over his shoulder making the guard hit the ground hard. At the same time (Y/N) brought his right foot behind the guard's right foot. He brought the guard's foot forward making him fall backwards with (Y/N) making the guard hit the ground with all of (Y/N) weight land on top of them knocking the wind out of them. (Y/N) rolled backward off of the guard and stand up, for the two brothers to make their way to the others.

Sokka looked at them to smile, "Great, your both here. Now all we need to do is grab the warden and get to the gondolas."

Zuko nodded, "And how do we do that?"

Sokka raised an eyebrow as he looked at the warden and back at Zuko, "I'm not sure."

(Y/N) looked surprised, "Wait, you didn't plan this through!"

Sokka panicked, "I thought you guys said to not think everything through!"

Both of the siblings spoke, "Maybe not everything, but this is kind of important!"

Chit Sang was staring up at the tower that the warden was on, "Hey uh, fellas. I think your girlfriends' taking care of it." Everyone looked at the riot crowd to see Suki and Ty Lee running straight for it. The two jumped up to begin running on the crowd of prisoner's heads. When they reached the tower they both ran up the wall to jump off and catch their feet on a rail that was hanging under the first ledge. They brought themselves up for both of them to grab the upper railing with their hands. Ty Lee brought her legs in to twist her body towards a guard running towards her. She then quickly pushed her legs out to kick the guard into the wall knocking him out as Ty Lee got on her feet. Meanwhile Suki did a handstand on the railing, for a guard to send a fireball at her just for the warrior to jump off of her hands into the air and land behind the guard. She punched the guard making him hit his back on the rail as Suki hit him in the gut making him unconscious.

The two girls then saw two more guards come towards them. Suki ran towards one of the guards to do a high kick as he sent a fireball at her using his foot. Suki simply ducked by putting her right foot forward and leaning forward to grab both of the man's hips and swing him behind her knocking him on his back. As this happened Ty Lee simply jumped towards the other guard to have her right foot land on the railing. She kicked off of it to kick the guard in the face with the same foot making him hit his head against the wall. The two girls made their way up one more level to see the warden with one guard in the way. They charged the guard for Ty Lee to be in front as when she got close the man went to punch her, but the acrobat went down to sweep his legs making him go up into the air. As he was in the air Suki jumped towards the guard to knee him in the head instantly knocking him out. Suki rolled when she hit the ground, for her to block a punch from the warden to then grab his hair, pull his hair up, and pull her arm back like she was going to punch him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31 ⏰

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