Look Who It Is

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James POV

I got off the plane and got my luggage. I had my sunglasses on and carrying the luggage it made me feel, good. Everybody was looking at me, or maybe I looked like a stupid idiot, who the hell knows.

I was looking for a person who was holding a sign that should say Chicago 1. I did and when I saw that person I already knew. She looked different from the last time I saw her. Her hair was cut to her shoulder blade, the last time I saw her it was probably at the end of where her ribs were and she used to have highlights but now it's all her actual hair, dark brown.

She was wearing sweatpants and a slightly oversized t-shirt. She also had on clear glasses, which was odd I never knew she wore glasses.

She saw me, she looked away and slumped  down into her chair. She was pissed.

Malea's POV

I saw him, that fucking bastard. He looked like a idiot wearing those sunglasses. He came and sat beside. I tried not to acknowledge him turning the other way.

"Long time, no see Malea Jay Cruz." he said. I sighed "Just call me Malea. By the way your an hour late." I saw him look at his watch "oh, I didn't know. Why are we still sitting here than?" I got up and grabbed my stuff walking towards the exit of the airport. "Come on." I called to him as I continued walking.

We go to the black Cadillac, it was a nice car. We put the luggage in the back. "Would you like to drive or me?" He bit the inside of his mouth, weirdo it's just a question.

"You can drive. I heard your really good."

I sighed, I hated driving. The only thing I liked driving were sport cars, that's what I was good at.

I went to the driver side, he went to the passenger side.

I turned on the car and drove off.

"I was told that you have the information about this case." he said.

"Yeah, I do." I pointed to the black bag while keeping my eyes on the road that was in the middle row. He grabbed the bag and got the file out.

"I have to spend a month with you?"

I just nodded my head every time he asked a question or made a statement

"So this whole thing is about finding money and missing expensive stuff that some guy stole named Mr. T, while also finding this Mr. T guy's location." He took off his sunglasses "yeah, pretty much and shutting down his whole crew."


James POV

We finally got to the hotel, it was a decent looks my hotel. I was trying to be nice and I grabbed mine and her stuff, while she checked into the hotel. She got back out and just gave me a look, how rude. I could at least get a thank you. I didn't know what her problem was, bitch.

We got into the room. Thank God it was a suite with two beds, plenty of room and I was definitely not going to sleep with her.

I dropped her stuff in front of the door, just to be an ass. I got the bed that was closer to the entryway because maybe she would think I was a wimp if I took the bed by the window, I don't know. She grabbed her stuff off the ground and put it on the other bed.

She opened up her suitcase grabbing clothes out of it. I asked her "What are you doing?" She looked up at me, her glasses were off and I remember the face that I used to know. The one I was comfortable looking at, the face I used to enjoy seeing everyday. "I'm going to take a shower, if that's okay?" I just nodded my head. It wasn't the same person I used to know, though.

I just laid on the bed, waiting for her to come out. She was singing, I couldn't make out what it was. It wasn't bad singing at all either.

She got out of the shower, drying her hair with a towel. I gave her a forced smile as she walked by. She was wearing jeans with a black and white t-shirt. It was kind of hot. What the hell did I just say.

Malea's POV

He just kept looking at me every time I would pass him. Hopefully, he didn't hear me singing in the shower. I went back to the bathroom to get my dirty clothes. I walked back, he looked up at me again. I'm going to have to deal with this guy for a month!

I finished cleaning up and laid on my bed. It was only 3:00.

I hate my life right now.

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