Step up to the plate

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The group were in the interview room with the radio host.
"So guys if your ready we can begin?"
So new album and a concert in the offing are you looking forward to it?
RM;we always look forward to seeing our fans after all they made us what we are.
SUGA; we hope they will like our new songs each of us had input on them.
Does it seem strange after all this time? The military then six months off?
HOBI;it's something we are passionate about so we were glad to get back together.
What are your thoughts on the military?
JIMIN; it was different for all of us if I'm honest I think conscription is outdated which is why it was stopped in many countries.
Do you think that's a common view?
JUNGKOOK;we are told to serve our country there are plenty of able bodied people who want to go in the army, we could have served it better outside, the revenue our appearances bring into s Korea is astronomical, without bragging we have brought much more notice and visitors to S Korea than many others and we do it proudly, we have been ambassadors spreading the word about fairness to Asians etc, so who can say who serves their country best?
This is something you have really thought about guys do you think your fans will agree with you?
TAE;luckily for us our fans believe in a modern world too and freedom of choice
So do you think our government is out of touch?
JIN; not so much out of touch as unwilling to move on, a case of it's always been like this so if it's not broken don't try to fix it.
Wow! That was heavy let's ask what do your personal plans hold, Jimin the recent incident..., did it make you think anything?
JIMIN; for sure, find a partner who cares about me and live my life to the full.
And any lucky girl on the horizon?
JIMIN; for me personally... it would have to be....a guy.
Gasps came as Jimin admitted he was gay.
Erm, well that was unexpected
JIMIN;unfortunately it's something that our country likes to hide but god made us so others should accept who we are. I'm tired of hiding behind the charade as what's classed as 'normal', normal should be when two people love each other regardless of gender, why make someone feel bad for who they are?
And the rest of you...., your thoughts on this?
SUGA; of course we fully support him, we wouldn't be human if we didn't it's not bad to belong to the LGBTQ +community, start accepting others be kind to each other.
JUNGKOOK; look at it this way we are told to go in the military in case war breaks out with N Korea, they are perceived to be the bad guys yet here we do not accept gay couples as we think it's bad. It's all about peoples perception of things, whose right, whose wrong?
Well I must say this interview is very forthcoming and I really appreciate your views, until the next time guys, goodbye from us all.
RM's phone rang as soon as they came off air, he took the call in the corridor.
The radio host came up to Jimin," that was very brave, why choose today?"
"I'm sick of hiding nearly getting killed makes you think on your life,"
The host drew Jimin nearer," me too but I'm not as brave as you."
Jimin smiled at him," one day you'll find yourself just saying it and wonder why you worried."
"Thanks well good luck to you," he shook Jimins hand and then let Jimin go.
"Er guys, the manager wants to see us at the dorm"
They nodded getting into their cars, the journey silent on the way back.
The manager was pacing back and forth when they got there.
Sitting down they waited.clearing his throat he spoke,
"Well, nobody thought to let me in on the secret?"
"We didn't know what they were going to ask." RM said,seeing Jimins hands clench into fists.
"So why didn't you stick to the normal replies ?"
"Have you got a problem with it sir? Because it's me you should be talking to not them!" Jimin said standing up.
"Jimin this could wreck your career, the one you've all worked so hard for, how could you say it on national radio?"
"You know sir I respect you a lot but you should give the same respect back, we are not those young boys anymore we are men, we have grown up and being gay is my choice, not anybody else's , would you like it if somebody told you what to do with your life? I'm so sick of following the rules, if it's wrong in your eyes I quit,"
Jimin stormed out of the dorm, the manager looked shocked the rest kept quiet.
"So how.....,how do you guys want to cope with this?"
A burst of laughter came from Suga in the corner,
"Sir I think you should go online,"
"Comments about Jimin,"
RM brought in a laptop and they clicked on to a news feed.
'Way to go Jimin your an inspiration'
'Finally someone says it like it is'
'Does this mean Jikook was real? Be still my beating heart'
'I'd turn gay for him'
'Don't let them get you down real fans love you Jimin!!"
'Why are people surprised I always thought he was a cute gay man?'
"I'll have babies for you Jimin'
Of course there were a few who disagreed but more were encouraged by the news
"I think I owe Jimin an apology," their manager said.
"Oh while your hear boss, Jikook is real or it will be once I speak to Jimin!"
"What? Anyone else going to give me a heart attack today?
"Well I'm bi," Suga said matter of factly.
The managers phone rang and he answered.
"He's what? Damn it....., "
Switching his phone off he sat with his head in his hands," Jimins driven off told security not to follow him."
"I know where he will be I'll go after him, wish me luck guys!" Jungkook grabbed his own car keys and went to the garage telling security the manager knew he was leaving.
"Jimin you'd better be there and you'd better listen!"
He drove off heading to Jimins home sure the other would be there.

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