Change my life

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The group were waiting anxiously, police, management security all involved.
The manager had arrived and was talking to RM , a police officer was also talking to them, all the others felt useless.
Suddenly the officer was called, he stood aside to take the call ending it rapidly. He went to the manager who listened to what he had to say.
"Ling Chung? He has issues, was never completely in his right mind , I can call the office for last known address?"
The police officer nodded, within minutes he had the information. He left quickly.
"Ling Chung? RM asked
"The person who delivered the parcel was identified as Ling Chung, he used to train with you all."
"I remember him, he was a bit psycho always making out he was the leader and that it was a mere formality for him to train as you had already chosen to put him in the group?" Suga said.
"Didn't he have some sort of breakdown?" Jin asked
"Yes, he was delusional, doctors assessed him a couple of times when he couldn't keep up said he had strained something, they were worried about his
Demeanour and reported it, when he broke down  we arranged for some care but he just upped and left."
"So why Jimin?" Jungkook said.
"Because he took the last available place."
The managers phone rang and he answered.
"Not there? Do we know where? Ok please hurry I don't think this man is stable."
He turned to the others worry clearly on his face,
"He moved but a neighbour gave a forwarding address....., we just have to wait."
Jimin felt fear like never before, he wasn't sure if he would get out of this, suddenly he started laughing making the other man frown.
"This isn't funny, you know I'm gonna kill you?"
"Yer," more hysterical laughter bubbled up, " but you know what's funny, I've been hiding away , not living my life trying not to bother people, for what? So that a deranged man can kill me off properly?"
Ling Chung pulled out a knife not liking how Jimin had gone from fear to well basically laughing at him.
He sliced off a piece of Jimins hair," see how sharp this is?"
"Great I get a haircut before I die at least I'll look good!"
"Stop, stop it now! You should be begging for your life!"
"Go to hell,"
"Not before you!!"
The irate man swung his arm up ,as he was bringing it down a shot rang out,Jimin saw a surprised look on his face before he fell to the ground the knife clattering.
People ran over, some surrounding the male on the floor, Jimin heard the word,dead, it calmed him , the hysteria that had built in him dropping away.
His hands were untied and the tape on his legs cut off. He was helped up and hurried out of the house, he heard the police say hospital and he shook his head," no, I want to go back to the dorm."
The managers phone rang," yes? Dead?"
Shock hit the others Jungkook felt nauseous,
"He's ok on his way back, great, great thank you,"
He turned to the others," Jimins safe, unfortunately Ling Chung is dead, he was about to stab Jimin so they shot him."
Jungkook felt a wave of relief to hear Jimin was ok,
"Shouldn't he go to the hospital to be checked over?" He asked.
"He insisted on coming back here"
  Security escorted Jimin back, at the lift he hesitated then strode in, he wasn't going to let one man's acts define him!
He opened the dorm door to a rush of people,
"Did he hurt you"
"Do you want anything,"
Jimin put his hands up," guys I'm fine honestly but I'm hungry,"
"I'll cook you something straight away !" Jin rushed off.
The manager had a few words with Jimin then patted his back and left.
"Jin have I got time for a shower?"
"Of course, "
Jimin walked to his room, Jungkook followed.
"What's up Kookie?"
"You seem...., to calm for someone who just got kidnapped nearly stabbed and then saw someone shot?" He said worriedly.
"Actually it made me realise how much I've been wasting my life worrying about things so I'm gonna change be more adventurous."
"Well....that's good."
"I've gotta shower and the manager  wants to do a press conference media has already picked up on the kidnapping."
He left Jungkook sitting on his bed as he stripped off with no embaressment and went and showered.
Jungkook frowned, he was glad Jimin wasn't going to hide away but just how far was he going to go?
Walking naked from the shower Jimin didn't falter seeing Jungkook there just dressed and was drying his hair," oh yer got to get this cut he snipped some off." He combed the dark blonde hair," I think I'll change the colour..."
He walked to the door,"coming ?" He asked the other and walked out
Jungkook got up and followed.
"Ah Jin this is to die for," jimin was eating the food rapidly.
" oh jimin don't say that....."
"What...oh sorry don't worry everything's fine, I'm fine."
Jin hugged his small friend, after eating Jimin rang the manager who told him to come at four.
"Hmmm, Tae where can I get my hair done before the meeting?"
"I'll call my friend he will come here."
"Great, coloured and cut."
Tae rang his friend," half an hour Jimin,"
Tae's fiend came and Jimin hurried him away to his room.
"So Jimin what we doing?"
Jimin explained and they got on with it. Jungkook knocked but got told nobody was seeing it til it was done. Huffing and going away Jungkook wondered what colour it would be, lighter blond, pink maybe red?
After what seemed ages the pair left Jimins room .
"Wow...?Jimin you look good!" Tae said.
Everyone looked up and saw the small male with dark brown/black hair styled not too short but he could flip back the top.
"Sexy!"Hobi said.
"Your ripped black jeans and white low v neck tee give you a totally different vibe." Jin said.
Jungkook thought Jimin looked better than ever but was more concerned wether Jimin had changed while the other male was in the room.
Tae went off with his friend and Jungkook followed Jimin back to his room.
"Did you change with him in the room?"
What? Well yer it's not like I was naked!"
"Still you don't know him...!"
" maybe I should rectify that he's good looking...,"
"Hey don't talk like that,"
'Because..,because.., Damn it I don't like it!"
"Oh Kookie really?" Jimin chuckled but Jungkook came up to him pulled him close and passionately kissed him. Their tongues entwined each fighting for control then Jimin pulled back," such a shame you don't want commitment .See this is why I have to look around, but you'll soon get used to it..., anyway Gotta go and do that interview, see ya Kookie,"
He turned and walked out leaving a turned on frustrated Jungkook behind."Damn it!! He yelled .

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