Trust me

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Jimin was waiting patiently in his room, after eating the others had left and Suga had gone into the studio but Jungkook had sat to watch TV on his own as Jimin said he had things to do in his room. Eventually Jimin heard Jungkooks door open and close.
Waiting for Fifteen minutes to make sure the other was settled in his room Jimin quietly opened his door peeping out but seeing nobody. Grabbing his gym bag he slipped along the corridor and got to the front door,opening it he nearly screamed when a warm breath in his ear said," going somewhere?"
Turning he burst out " you nearly gave me a heart attack!!"
"So?" Jungkook asked looking down at the bag then up at Jimin raising his brow in query.
"Just Erm popping out,"
"So why the secrecy?"
"I er, was secrecy."
"I'll go with you...."
"NO! er no need"
"Jimin why can't you trust me?"
Jimin looked at the frowning maknae fighting his conscience before," I'm going to the gym to get fitter, I know I was let off this morning I heard you all talking, I don't want to be propped up by you all I need to make myself fit so I don't pull you all down."
"Jimin......, it's not like that , you were tired but your strength will build."
"I need to go......."
"I'll go with you, I'm not letting you make yourself worse by doing too much or injuring yourself."
Jimin could see the other meant what he said but still needed to feel in control.
"You have five minutes get your stuff or I'm going!"
"I'll come as I am, who's driving?"
Driving to the company gym Jimin went and got changed while Jungkook warmed up.
When Jimin came in he was doing pull ups.
"Warm up then start on here." Jungkook ordered.
Jimin huffed," did someone put an I'm in charge badge in you?" He muttered bending and stretching.
"Someone's whiny"
"I am not whiny," Jimin whined before closing his mouth and looking around at what to do first.
"Come here....."
Pouting Jimin walked over.
"Jump up see how many you can do"
The old Jimin would have jumped up easily , now he looked up contemplating the distance.
A pair of hands gripped his hips and hoisted him up making him grab the bar.
"There you go,"
Feeling the heat in his cheeks Jimin started, he got to six then his arms shook but he didn't want to lose face. Trying to pull himself up again he lost his grip and started falling. Two strong arms caught him and swung him around.
"Why don't you know when to quit , you have nothing to prove."
Jimin looked into the others doe eyes then became aware Jungkook was holding him close.
"P-put me down!"
"I don't know if I should, "
Jimin wriggled but became aware of just how close their bodies were, Jungkook seemed to have a large problem in his pants.
"I-your-let me down,"
"See what you did, that's all down to you and your wriggling"
"I didn't do that!"
"Trust me you did Mr Innocent"
Jungkooks mouth came closer his eyes on Jimins face before he connected their lips in a slow passionate kiss. Jimin couldn't stop the moan that came from him.
"What a lovely sound," jungkook murmured.
"We -we should stop!"
"Your not gay!"
"I'm Bi,"
"You've been with men?!?" Jimin said sounding disgruntled .
"I've dallied with a man but mostly women,"
"And I haven't even had a blow Job, "jimin thought
"What!! You are an innocent!"
"D-did I say that aloud?" Jimin groaned wanting the floor to open up and devour him.
Jungkook walked still holding Jimin, the next minute he was pressed against a wall.
"Hook your legs around me," Jungkook demanded.
When Jimin did so Jungkook gripped his backside while grinding against him.
Jungkook was kissing Jimin anywhere his mouth could reach.jimin was moaning feeling hot wanting something.
"God, I'm so hard it's painful," Jungkook muttered.
Jimin gulped then," c-can I help?"
Jungkook stared at the other," maybe we can help each other, come into the shower," he slid Jimin down groaning as the others body came into contact with his hard member.
"Kookie what are we doing?"
"I'm teaching you, you'll get your first blow job and then you can give me one."
"B/but why would you do that....with me?"
"Because I'm as horny as hell but I want you to have something from this,you don't seem as immune as you think you are," the maknae said looking down to where Jimins gym shorts tented.
"Trust me, I won't tell anyone and I've locked the outside door."
Jimin felt nauseous and excited at the same time, what if Jungkook was playing with him, what if he laughed at him if he agreed and said it was all a joke?
Jungkook could see the confliction on the others face, it was almost like he could read the others mind.
"Jimin let me pleasure you...., please?"
Jimin couldn't help himself, he nodded. Jungkook stepped back removing his clothes, Jimin stared in awe at the muscled abs the slim waist and the erect member gulping.
Jungkook then stepped to Jimin slipping his hands to the edge of his top and lifting it off, staring at Jimins milky skin, he then in one fell swoop removed his shorts and boxers making Jimin gasp and try to cover himself.
"No...., it's ok let me see you...,"
Jimin let his hands hang at his sides , the next minute it was skin against skin, jungkook kissing the other and gaining access inside.
"Ooooh!" Jimin moaned as Jungkooks hands roamed over him. Jungkook took one of Jimins small hands and placed it on his dick," rub "
Like an obedient dog Jimin rubbed pumping the thick member up and down, touching the sticky slit making Jungkook groan.
"Oh fuck Jimin, that's good so good!"
Jungkook was tweaking Jimins nipples the pleasure Jimin felt making him move his hand faster.
"Ah Jimin,ah...." Jungkook was panting pushing his hips while Jimin held him then,
"Oh fuuuuuuck!"
Jimin felt a warmth drip onto him,he'd made Jungkook cum. Pleased with himself he stepped back maybe he would never do a blow job.
"Stay right there," panted Jungkook. He found a towel and wiped himself and Jimin up," my turn" he murmured.
His hand gripped Jimin pumping him making the other tense in pleasure. He widened his stance allowing Jungkook to caress his balls, then Jungkook knelt down licking and lapping at Jimins manhood before slipping him into his mouth sucking him.
"Aaaah Kookie!"
Jimin had never felt pleasur like this,he groaned as Jungkooks skilful mouth sucked him teasing his slit and licking the sides.jimin groaned. His hands were in Jungkooks hair tugging his head near.
Soon Jungkook was gripping his ass cheeks brushing against that puckered hole. It made Jimin moan out loud as pleasure erupted," aaaaargh fuuuuuuck !" He released down Jungkooks throat, ripples of pleasure shaking his body." Oh god....." he felt so sensitive jumping as Jungkook released him.
Jungkook stood up," ok?"
Jimin smiled shakily," more than ok, I didn't know it would feel like that!!!"
Jungkook chuckled" let's shower,"
"But I didn't give you one !"
"Next time" Jungkook winked, whiile pulling zjimin into the shower turning it on making them both gasp.
They washed themselves,jimin giggling when he dropped the soap.Bending to pick it up he gasped as Jungkooks hands caressed his backside.
"I love your ass," Jungkook grunted as he caressed it.
Jimin stood up biting his lip and facing the other.
"I-I think we should finish up," he gabbled.
"Ok.....,for now,,,,but we definitely haven't finished Jiminsshii!"
Jimin nearly ran from the shower, getting a clean towel and drying off and dressing.
Jungkook sauntered out throwing the two dirty towels in the laundry before getting another and drying. Going to a locker he opened it and brought out a change of clothes.
"Be prepared " he smirked at the other who was looking at him," I too like to put in extra gym time."
Picking their stuff up they walked to the car.
"Not the workout you expected eh?"
Jimin blushed and giggled nervously, "you promise not to tell?"
Jungkook hated how afraid he sounded.
"I promise Jimin, trust me, I'm never going to hurt you again."
He placed his hand on Jimins thigh as he drove, it's comforting warmth reassuring the smaller male.
Going into the dorm they put their washing in then Jungkook sat in front of the tv while Jimin put his gym bag away dressed in some pjs and went to the kitchen for a drink.
Suga came wandering through," oh, you making snacks Jimin?"
"I can do if your hungry?"
Suga grinned going to sit with Jungkook.
Jimin came and set snacks down on the coffee table giving the two a drink then fetching his own. The three were sitting there watching a comedy when the others walked in.
"Anyone for fried chicken?" Tae said placing boxes on the coffee table, Jimin shook his head but Suga and Jungkook dived in.
"What did you three do?" Jin asked.
Jimin knew he was a lousy liar so felt panicked but Suga spoke up," I did a lot of music, Jimin chilled out in his room and Jungkooks sat here watching TV,"
"Lucky you, we got asked about our plans our live life songs, you know the usual."
Jimin yawned suddenly," sorry....., I think I'll go to bed, goodnight."
The others murmured their good nights , Jungkook holding Jimins gaze a little longer than normal.
Jimin went off and got into bed once his teeth were cleaned. He fell asleep only to dream of Jungkook holding him close and kissing him.

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