Talking over old times

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Jimin didn't want to get up, he kept his eyes closed not ready to start another day. He burrowed deeper into his bed then froze as an arm pulled at him. Barely breathing he opened his eyes to see an arm wrapped around him, then flashes of the night before came and he knew that Jungkook had stayed with him.
"Kookie?" He whispered but got no response, he heaved a sigh of relief, jungkook was still a heavy sleeper. Gingerley lifting the others arm he slid off the bed, tip toeing around he grabbed clothes then went to the spare room to shower before going downstairs. He was sat outside drinking tea and eating toast when forty minutes later Jungkook came down.
"Morning Jimin your bed is comfortable ,"
Jimin blushed then," sit here I'll get you some breakfast.
Going into his kitchen he prepared eggs in toast and sliced fruit and a large chilled orange juice, he carried it carefully outside Jungkook jumping up to take the tray from him.
"Wow thanks Jimin."
Jungkook devoured it like a starving man then took the dishes into the kitchen washing them up before going back outside.
"Looks like we are going to have a nice day."
"I hope so, I better clean the house,"
"Jimin it's spotless "
"I just....., I want everyone to like my place,"
"They will, it's amazing, I love it."
Jimin smiled happily .
For a while the two lounged outside then Jiminy went to do his laundry while Jungkook watched tv.
Jimin cleaned around the kitchen and mopped the floor. By the time he had done that to his liking his washing was done. He took the clean clothes to his room he repacked a bag ready to take back the next day.
"Jimin,what you doing?" A yell came from downstairs.
Jimin rushed down the stairs seeing Jungkook standing at the bottom. In his rush his foot caught and he tripped falling forward with a surprised yell.
He crashed into Jungkook whose arms immediately wrapped around the smaller as he staggered back.
"I'm so sorry did I hurt you I'm so clumsy!"
"I'm fine Jimin don't panic."
Jungkook still held the other in his arms looking down at him while Jimin looked up.
He casually bent down and kissed Jimins lips before letting him go.
"You do that so easily," Jimin mumbled.
"That's because you have cute pouty lips,"
"I don't pout!" Jimin said pouting.
Jungkook chuckled then there was a buzz from the gate.
"Oh god they're here, do you think I got enough stuff , shit I should have got more I'm useless!"
Jungkook pressed the buzzer letting the others in before turning to the panicking male," jimin it's fine they're your friends it's all ok take a deep breath!"
Jimin did as told then opened the front door to greet Jin then Suga and shortly after Tae, RM and Hobi arrived.
"Wow Jimin this place is great feels like a real home,"
"I love the sitting room perfect to chill out,"
"Hey your garden such amazing colours, this place is so damn perfect how did you find it?"
Jimin and Jungkook told how they had both seen it not realising the other was after it."
"You two always were similar Tae said.
Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other then Tae questioningly .
"You don't remember?Jimin came to practice once with a white t shirt with 'Lover' on the front, Jungkook turned up with a grey sweatshirt with Lover on the both went out shopping separately and bought the same striped top. For your birthday Jimin got you a large camera bag to replace your small old one, the same time you treated yourself to a new larger camera but he didn't know that. The same hoodies...., need I go on?"
Jimin giggled and Jungkook smiled.
"Let's get this barbecue going" jimin put it on then brought a cool box out with the meat before going back in to get some beers. He was running around getting plates and side dishes while listening to the chatter. He was pleased everything was going well.
Jin had taken over the barbecue saying he was the best cook and soon all the meat was cooked and they all sat at the garden table eating and drinking.
"Jimin you've made me realise a house is nicer than an apartment, you can sit out and enjoy yourself in the sun, eating and drinking ."
"Your place is very nice Hobi, but I do like my house..
"So what did you two do last night.?"
Jimin gulped down a beer so he couldn't answer.
"We had Pizza, beer and a horror movie," jungkook said.
"Jimin you hate horror," Suga said.
"I know I had to say I was tired and went to bed, "
"Haha, you used to make any excuse up not to watch them," Tae laughed.
"So Jungkook you staying again tonight or going back to the dorm?"
"Er that's up to Jimin"
"You can stay if you want. And we can drive back tomorrow?"
"Ok I will, the bed was comfy,"
Jimin heard the teasing note in the others voice and went and got some more beers so that the other wouldn't see his red face.
"We need to practice the new songs this week."
"It will be fun,"
Jimins front gate buzzed and he pressed the intercom button," hello?"
Jimin buzzed open the gate and went and opened the front door.
He was handed a parcel, he thanked the driver and closed the door and gate.
Putting the parcel aside he went back into the garden to find the others were playing a game.
"Hey Jimin can you remember the dance where you somersault over me? Hobi asked.
"Remember it......, I used to be terrified I'd fall on you!"
"Maybe we should be adventurous in any new dance routines?"
"Hell no, we aren't kids anymore we are adults, we should be sexier!" Tae said.
"Sexier how?" Suga laughed.
Tae started singing one of their old songs changing the dance to more hip thrusts and sultry looks.
They all laughed getting up to copy him or do their version.
RM was a bit clumsy looking, Jin put more expression into his face than his hips, Hobi was precise but not sexy, Suga made it look like a chore, Jungkook gave a perfect demonstration and Jimin.... He went all out hips jutting and rolling, sexy side glance and half lift of his T shirt before bursting out laughing.
"Woah! Jimin is sexy!" Jin said.
Jungkook agreed, Jimin had looked sexy as hell.
The time had worn on nobody had made a move to leave so Jimin ordered some fried chicken which was demolished then one by one the others thanked Jimin and left.
Leaving Jungkook and Jimin behind.
After clearing up outside and washing up, Jungkook yawned," I'll go to bed, see you in the morning Jimin you did well today."
Jimin nodded, he was about to go up too when he saw his parcel. Taking it into the sitting room he opened the packaging.a box was inside.
Jungkook took of his T shirt thinking how nice the day had been. About to undress completely he heard a yell.
Jimin was shocked he'd lifted the lid and suddenly things were flying out of the box one hitting his collarbone.
Jungkook ran down the stairs," Jimin what....., no don't touch it!!"
Jimin had been about to brush off what had hit his collarbone but at Jungkooks words he froze, then his eyes settled on what had flown out of the box around him and his face paled.
"Don't move where's your first aid kit?"
"Kitchen, top shelf first cupboard," the small male whispered.
Fetching it, Jungkook came back.
"I'm going to take a photo for the police don't move,"
Jimin couldn't if he wanted to. Jungkook took his phone snapping at Jimin and the mess around. He then sat next to him, taking an antibacterial solution on a soft cloth he gently removed something and placed the cloth on Jimins collarbone.
"Press here," Jungkook lifted Jimins hand to hold the cloth while he placed the item in the coffee table.Jimin saw it was a razor blade with blood in it.
He was shaking as he heard Jungkook talking to someone on the phone.his head started buzzing and he fell back fainting on the sofa.

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