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Tae was in tears when he finished, most of the group looked uneasy but Jimin felt the others pain, he could see the other was genuinely sorry. He  didn't want anyone to feel like he had so he stood up to face the other.
"It hurt..., a lot, I thought we were friends but I can't put all the blame on you...., I did probably hang out with Jungkook too much which had a knock on effect, I drove you away making you jealous and I pushed myself onto someone else...., m-making them have to talk to me about my clinginess. It wasn't my intention and I apologise T-to both of you, the past few months have shown me it's ok not to be a part of everything, I can manage on my own...., but I. Hope we all can be friends, not enemies and I will try to be kinder to everyone."he sat down.
The others just looked at this sweet male who calmly took on the blame putting himself at fault trying to make others feel better.
"Oh Jimin, I've been so horrible I didn't even like myself!" Tae cried running round the table to give the other a hug.
"It's ok Tae, we can't help how we feel let's forget about it."
Tae felt overwhelmed at the others natural kindness giving him another hug.
"Jimin..., I'm sorry I said you were clingy, you are good company." Jungkook said staring deeply at the other.
"You were right, I needed to learn about personal space, so please don't apologise." He said earnestly.
Jungkook frowned, ,Jimin seemed dead set on being painted as the bad guy when he wasn't . Before he could say anything back, Jimin ran around collecting dishes to wash up taking them to the kitchen and starting.
"Well!".....RM stated as the others looked at each other," I'm glad that's sorted but all of us need to learn to work as a group again, have each other's backs."
They all nodded and left the table ,Hobi and Tae going to help Jimin as the others either went to their rooms or sat and watched tv.
Jungkook went into his room deciding to go on his laptop.
He put Jimins name in the search engine and a timeline of the last six months.
Rare sighting at convenience store
Where is Jimin
Is Jimin in Korea ?
All the headlines went on like that.
Confused he put in the groups names one by one and found there were pages on each of them, just what had Jimin been doing that nobody had seen him?
He then put in the group under the title military.
There were varied stories and sneaked photos of what they had been up to. He scrolled down and his eyes found an article on Jimin.
The unknown source said Jimin was the target of bullying, often ending up bruised, our office contacted Jimin who declined to confirm these opinions only saying that truth is a version of others conversations.
Jungkook frowned, did that mean it was lies? He took a photo on his phone he wanted to ask RM about it.
He came out his room as Jimin went to go in his not noticing Jungkook there.
Reaching out Jungkook put his hand on the others shoulder," Jimin,"
The reaction he got stunned him, Jimin put his hands up over his face cowering away, then realising what he'd done he tried laughing it off,
"Sorry you made me jump I didn't see you" but Jungkook who's hand was still on his shoulder felt him shaking.
"Er sorry, I just wondered if um, you wanted to stay up and chat have some beers talk about what you've been doing these last six months?"
Jimin thought how nice it used to be, both of them chatting late at night....., but," nothing, "
"Nothing what?" Jungkook said confused.
"I've done nothing, stayed in my home , kept myself to myself, not very interesting,so goodnight." He went into his room leaving Jungkook staring at the closed door.
He walked to the sitting room only Jin and RM where left.
"Hey Kook I thought you had gone to bed."
"No I...., can I show you this...."
He showed RM the clipping of Jimins 'bullying',
"Shit, is that still on the internet, I'll get management have it removed." RM said.
"So? Is it true?"
Jin and RM looked at each other debating what to say.
Then RM sighed, "don't let the others or Jimin know you know about this....., two months in and our regiment was doing manoeuvres with Jimins, we hadn't seen him for a while so when we saw him after the event sitting down by himself on a bench we both ran over to give him a hug."
"Poor boy nearly passed out, he'd been punched in the stomach, and he only told us that because we were going to take him to the doctors."
"Why didn't he report it?"
"He was talking to us and a group came over calling him pretty boy and saying things like it can get harder and don't squawk., we pretended we didn't know what they were on about and made out it was good to bump into him and what a surprise it was had everything been ok? It gave him the chance to say all was fine normal military life, when they heard him just say that they sniggered and moved away, only then did he whisper to us not to say anything, that it would make it worse and he would deny it if anyone asked. We made him promise to contact us if things got worse. He panicked when that story came out, he was so scared something would happen, so we told him to deny or refuse to answer if anyone asked but obviously someone in the battalion felt sorry for him."
"Fuck that's awful, who would pick on someone small like him?"
"Jealous people, someone trying to make a point? Hell we saw tonight what happens and we are his friends!!"
Jungkook said goodnight unhappy at what he had heard, poor Jimin seemed to bear the brunt of everyone's ill will , not anymore he thought , he was going to become Jimins guardian Angel!!
Passing Jimins door he noticed a light still on, the door wasn't fully shut so he glanced in to see Jimin sound asleep curled up his phone in his hand. Tip toeing in he gently removed the phone placing it on the bedside table, Jimin moved and he froze, the cover slipped down revealing a naked chest pestering down to a slim waist, jungkook stared down, was Jimin always this good looking?his pale skin almost begged to be touched, his dark lashes touching his skin like a dark fan.he pouted in his sleep full lips begging to be touched. Jungkook shook himself, why was he acting like a perv!! Switching the light off he walked quietly out closing the door behind him before going to his room to shower away the sudden problem he had in his trousers!

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