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Jimin drove back quickly , getting to his home he had a mild panic attack. Did they all hate him, were they all disgusted at him? Why didn't he keep his mouth shut when he got to the garage and heard them talking.
Pacing back and forth he wondered if he should just quit now.
His phone rang, picking it up he saw it was RM . Was he calling to say they didn't want him in the group? Shakily he answered speaking before the other could,
"It's ok I expected it, I'll quit you can put it out I'm pursuing other interests, I should have known it wouldn't be easy to go back."
"Jimin are you ok? Like hell you will quit , you are and always will be part of this group, I'm sorry you felt you could never tell me or the others you were gay, it makes no difference."
"Doesn't it? I told Tae months before we all broke up he seemed, unhappy at me being friends with Jungkook."
"Tae has a very big ego, he likes being talked about as the best looking in the group the one to ship, he got jealous when jikook started being shipped, you and Jungkook started delighting audiences with your natural charm."
"But won't it create an atmosphere?"
"No because like in the old days we will hold a meeting together and talk it out."
"RM I know your the group leader but what about the others they might not like it."
"Jimin the others demanded I call you, they feel genuinely sad that you've felt so alone you couldn't talk to us and Tae he's feeling extremely guilty."
Jimin was quiet then," ok I'll pack some stuff and meet you all there."
"Thank you Jimin it means a lot to us."
Jimin put his phone down and went to his room shuffling through his clothes he realised he hated them he felt like a homeless person in baggy mussfitting clothes and scruffy hair.
Looking at his watch he made a decision calling a number he hadn't used for a while, he was pleased when he was told he could have an appointment in an hour .putting a wash bag and jewellery and shoes, only in his suitcase he masked up driving to some elite shops quickly trying on things for size and then piling up jeans shirts jackets and casual T shirts and  sweat bottoms and shorts. Taking them to his car he packed them in his suitcase driving quickly to his next appointment. If he was going to do this he needed to look the part and give himself a boost.
The group were at the apartment , looking around they marvelled at how different it was from their early days in Dorms.
Each had their own room, Jin chose Jimins which was down one passageway and opposite Jungkooks.
"This is zjimins he loves pastel colours and it has a window seat, he likes reading,"
The others agreed, Jungkook demanded the one opposite, purely because it had a black en-suite , the others went and chose theirs. The apartment was massive the whole floor had been converted into an ideal space to live,eat and the mini studio was an extra.
They were all sitting down ," do you think he's changed his mind?" Suga said seeing the time.
"No he said he would come and he will," RM stated.
"Jesus he's not a kid!" Tae said annoyed.
Everyone looked at him." Hadn't you better shut up? Seems you shouldn't interfere where Jimins concerned," Suga said.
Tae huffed," he's probably doing it deliberately for the attention!"
"That seems to be your department,why your so jealous of him I don't know, he always had nothing but praise for you!" The normally aimiable Hobi said sharply.
Tae had the grace to look ashamed. The door suddenly opened and a very cute, totally fashionable and sexy looking Jimin walked in hair cut and styled and clothes that fit him perfectly .
"Sorry,I'm so sorry if I'm late, Hobi you were right I had forgotten todays appointment that's why I looked so scruffy I haven't had my hair done in six months and my clothes were old so I stopped to sort it I didn't want to embarrass you guys !" He was rushing forward as he babbled his apology, tripping and falling face first into Jungkook who was sitting nearest. The maknae put his arms out to stop the other getting hurt so as Jimin landed Jungkooks hands landed on his butt,
"I'm sorry!!" Jimin squeaked wriggling to get off.
"Oh Jimin I've missed you still as clumsy as ever," Jin laughed making the others laugh along as a red faced Jimin eventually stood up.
"Damn, I haven't been that clumsy in ages!" He whined.
"Let me show you your room , " RM said grabbing Jimins case and taking it down a corridor Jimin hurrying after him.
Everyone else started chatting except Jungkook who watched the other walk away, he sat with a cushion on his lap covering the inconvenient boner that had arisen at Jimins wriggling, that curvy Jibooty had felt so good under his hands.
Jungkook knew now Jimin had liked him and as he was bi it wasn't a problem but how would Jimin feel if he tried to start something?
"Hmmmm?" He said realising Tae was shaking him.
"I said you believe me don't you about worrying zjimin might spoil your reputation ?"
"Actually Tae...., I think you should ask yourself if you believe it? You convinced me before we all left that he was that type of person because he was too flirty. On your words I told him he was clingy, I let him go away with the feeling our friendship didn't mean anything, then you told him another lie, how does it feel knowing he must have felt so sad and lonely? What made you the one he called his best friend turn on him, so no Tae I don't believe you and I think you should think on it for yourself, Jimin and the group." Jungkook stood up and strode to his room stopping in Jimins doorway to smile at his excited face when he saw the plushie Jin had bought especially and placed on his bed, the smile failed when he heard the small male say,
"I don't think I'm gonna be lonely anymore!" As he gave RM a hug.
Jungkook walked to his room sadly, that's one thing he'd missed, Jimin hugs, he used to naturally give them, he was or had been a very touchy feely guy.
Half an hour later Jin yelled food was ready. Everyone made their way to the table where a large spread was laid out.
"Wow Jin, I've missed this," Jungkook said his eyes darting at what to eat first.
"You always were happy if your stomach was full," Jimin blurted, then seeing Jungkooks stare on him, he put his chopsticks down," sorry , I-I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Jimin seemed to shrink into himself and the others watched in dismay as his spark dimmed again and he made to get up from the table.
"Your right , you used to go and get extra snacks in case I was hungry," jungkook smiled at the other stopping him with a hand on his arm," so let me dish up some for you before I scoff the lot," he joked.
Jimin warily sat down," I-I don't need much,"
"Sure you do, your gonna need some energy to go get those snacks for me when I'm hungry," the maknae joked,bringing a small smile to the others face.
The rest of the group joined in joking and pretending they needed to buy a convenience store for Jungkooks appetite.
One male wasn't quite as involved, he looked at the smaller male guilt weighing him down, what had he done to his friend, why had he been so jealous of his friendship, he could see the toll it had taken on Jimin, his brightness was dimmed and his genuine comfort that he gave others was held back as if he was afraid he'd do something wrong. As the meal wore on Tae realised Jimin only spoke when someone asked something, he didn't chatter like he used to, he remembered all the nonsensical things Jimin used to come out with before to make them laugh. Nodding to himself he stood up.
"Jimin I did you wrong, I was jealous, jealous of the attention you got from fans, they started shipping you and Kook but you were my friend, everything seemed as if you were enjoying being shipped and forgetting me, I kept your secret and I thought you should make more time for me, I couldn't see that I was getting jealous and blamed it on you. I told lies to kook to make you look bad and I lied to you to deliberately hurt you, but I can see the affect it has had and I'm responsible for it so please Jimin , know it was never you it was me my fault and I'm prepared to take the consequences."

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