Chapter 7

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"With what?" Elrond asks. Thranduil looks at me, telling me without words to explain to Elrond.

"It's about me. I am most definitely not Thranduil's lover, nor am I one hundred percent Elf. My mother was a woodland Elf, my father an angel."

He looks like he is about to say something, but I hold up my hand and continue, "No, that is not a metaphor, he is an actual angel. You'd think he was family of Morgoth, with how he acts. I was the result of their union. I might look like a normal Elf, but I inherited some of my father's powers. I have magic that I can use in the form of telepathy and telekinesis, I can also sent out blasts that have the power of killing anything nearby."

"Could you show me? I must admit I'm having a hard time picturing this."

I nod and let swirls of magic surround me, my eyes begin to glow too of course. After a few seconds I blink and make it all disappear into thin air. Elrond stares at me with fascination.

"There is one more thing. Something I haven't even told you, Thranduil." I don't give myself time to rethink this and spread my wings. Thanks goodness the tailor made slits in this dress too, or it would've been ruined.

They are now both staring in awe and confusion at my wings, which are the same colour as my magic and my dress.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Thranduil asks.

"I was scared. Only Galadriel knows about my wings. Gandalf and lord Elrond have seen them, but they couldn't see my face. I wanted to tell you, believe me, I really did. But I was afraid you'd think I was an abomination and banish me. I just came here, I didn't want to lose my only home." I want to hit myself at how stupid and childish I sound.

He steps closer to me, takes my chin in his hand, and lifts it so I have no choice but to look in his eyes. "I would never banish someone for such a stupid reason. I may be cruel, but I'm not a monster."

After a few seconds that feel like an eternity Elrond clears his throat, I had completely forgotten he was standing there.

We quickly step away from each other, we're both blushing a lot, I'm hoping I'm doing a better job at hiding it than Thranduil.

"I'll see what I can find, I'll send a message if I find anything of importance." And with that he walks out of the room, leaving Thranduil and me in an awkward silence.

"I'm going to bed." I state and walks away, unfortunately Thranduil catches up, "I'll walk you to you rooms." He says even though I had really hoped he wouldn't.

We walk in silence to our rooms. When we arrive I want to take my key, but remember I left it on the table inside because I was too busy staring at Thranduil. "I forgot my key inside." I say feeling stupid. "That's not a problem, I can access you chambers through mine." He walks to his door and opens it. "Come in, I won't bite. Make yourself comfortable, I'll go find the key."

His living area is huge, you could host a ball in here. He walks into his bedroom, not wanting to follow him there I sit on the couch. It must be enchanted, it's so soft that it can't be real, I almost get swallowed by it.

I don't notice Thranduil has emerged from his bedroom until he sits next to me. "Is my couch that comfortable?" He asks jokingly. I stand up, but at my first step I trip over his legs and end up on his lap. My face reddens instantly. I hastily apologize and try to stand up, but he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back down.

"It's alright," He murmurs into my ear, "You know, I haven't opened up to someone else so quickly in a very long time. You make me feel things I thought I had lost forever."

I don't know how to reply; luckily I don't have to because our moment is interrupted by a knock at the door. We both jump, I run to the bathroom to hide while Thranduil straightens his robes and opens the door.

"My lord, Orcs have infiltrated the kingdom, we suspect they want to finish the job those other Orcs started."

"Get all the guards and soldiers to protect those unable to defend themselves."

"What about you?"

"I have Amdiriel, I'll be fine."

There's the sound of a door slamming shut and I rush out of my hiding spot, I'm already unzipping my dress so I don't see Thranduil and run right into him.

"If I didn't know any better I'd see you're clumsy on purpose."

"Maybe." I reply while walking quickly to my room, "I need to get my weapons and change into more suitable clothing, but I can't leave you alone, so come along."

"Are you suggesting I watch you change?" He purrs.

"Not that I would mind, but no, now is not the right time."

"So you're saying there will be a right time?"

I want to laugh, but I won't be able to until the threat is eliminated. "Where's the door? I need to be able to protect you without magic."

He takes my hand and leads me to a door in the corned, hidden by a big plant. He puts the key in the keyhole and turns it, the door opens right into my bedroom. I get my armour out of the closet and make sure I have all my knives.

Thranduil is sitting on the bed facing me when I get back to the bedroom.

"Turn around." I say using the same tone he uses when he's king, the same tone my father had used so many times on me. Thranduil sighs but does as he is told. I quickly strip of the dress and put on my armour, I could do that with one hand and blindfolded so it doesn't take too long. "Alright, you can look." I say as I finish hiding my knives in the small pockets I made myself.

He is looking me up and down when there is the sound of an explosion and a ball spewing smoke gets thrown into the room.

Thranduil slumps on the bed immediately, I try to reach him, to protect him; but my legs are too heavy and I can't get enough air. Black spots obstruct my vision, the last thing I see before everything becomes black is blurred figures picking up Thranduil and carrying him away.

An Angel As Queen; A Thranduil love story.Where stories live. Discover now