"Please" She snapped, pinching his hip.

He smirked but swatted her hand away from his waist, grabbing her by the wrist and holding it against her other hand at his chest. He tugged her closer so she couldn't get her hands free and she pulled her head back to glare at him. "Close them"

He waved his wand, still in his left hand at her waist, and the drapes around their bed were pulled shut. Hermione put her head back where it was and Draco rested his on top of hers. His brows furrowed as his mind wandered.

They weren't about to sleep, he'd gotten an 11 hour rest. But she was still here, cuddled up against him and finding comfort in his body warmth. Why?

Did she do it with everyone? She had spent months with Potter and Weasley alone... maybe she was treating him like how she treated them. That this little comfort and trust they had formed was normal to her. That she did this with everyone. The thought of her with Potter or Weasley... or anyone other than him-

"Malfoy, you're digging your fingers into my hip"

He glanced down at his hand, and indeed, he had a tight grip on her. He flattened his hand and slid it down to her lower back, a little safer if he got lost in his thoughts again.

From her spot at his neck, she could see his hand around her, confused when he attempted to pull her closer than she already was. She wondered if something had happened for him to be this attached. He had let Theo in instead of leaving to talk with him outside. He stayed with her while he was talking to Theo. And he was now cradling her head and was trying to mold her into him.

She wondered if it was alright to ask if something was wrong, but thought maybe it was a bit too personal for them. She pondered on the thought for a minute. She had to try... She pulled her head back, about to ask when there was a knock on their door.

She groaned, dropping her head against his chest. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulder under her. She moved away and he got up, his hands pulling away from her. She sat herself up on her elbows, watching him walk to the door.

He felt her eyes on him and hid a smirk, knowing she was just as attached to him as he was to her. He opened the door and raised an unamused brow at Ginevra Weasley. "May I help you?"

"Theo has said something interesting"Ginny grinned, going up on her toes to look over his shoulder at Hermione. "I'm just checking if he's telling the truth"

Hermione narrowed her eyes at her. "Close the door"

"Hey- hey, no!" Ginny pushed at the door as Draco attempted to close it lazily with his foot. "You've been asleep for hours! I've been stuck with Ron and Lavender since 7 and all they do is... gross. Please, just wake up"

Hermione huffed, turning on her side and muttering something about a few more minutes, and then the drape at the end of the bed drew shut, hiding herself away from view.

"You have 10 minutes, Granger!"Ginny told, turning on her heel and going down the stairs. Draco scoffed and pushed the door closed again with his foot.

She reopened the drapes as he walked to his dresser, grabbing his things before heading out of the room. With one last huff, she reluctantly got up.


"So? How is Viktor?"

Hermione glanced over at Parvati, not amused. Ginny grinned and Lavender hid a giggle. Of course, why should she expect lunch to go normal. "I wouldn't know, I haven't seen him"

"Oh come on, it's so sweet he came to visit you"

"He didn't come to visit me. I've told you, he's not my partner"

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