Chapter 21: Return And Leave

Start from the beginning

He turns as he comes face to face with Bray Wyatt.

Bray runs at him but Drake hits him with a big boot, he gets up into the corner as Drake starts nailing him with tights and lefts, he sends him flying into the corner as he hits a splash and runs to the ropes as he bounces off them and then hits Bray with a closeline to hell.

Bray runs at him but Drake hits him with a big boot, he gets up into the corner as Drake starts nailing him with tights and lefts, he sends him flying into the corner as he hits a splash and runs to the ropes as he bounces off them and then hits B...

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Drake gets back to his feet as he gets attacked from behind by Randy Orton until Kane comes in and makes the save, he closelines Randy over the top rope as gets out of the ring and goes after Randy.

Back inside the ring, Drake picks up Bray but Bray grabs him as he hits him with a sister Abigail.

Back inside the ring, Drake picks up Bray but Bray grabs him as he hits him with a sister Abigail

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Bray goes for the cover but Drake kicks out at one.

Bray sits back in shock as he just laughs at Drake kicking out, Luke gets into the apron as he holds his hand out.

Bray gets up as he tags Luke in and Harper gets into the ring as Drake sits up.

Drake gets to his feet as Luke runs at him and starts hitting him with punches, he gets Drake into the corner and keeps nailing him with a series of rights and lefts.

He sets Drake on the ropes as he runs to the other side and bounces off the ropes as he comes back but stops when Alexa is seen on the apron waving her finger in a No motion.

Luke walks towards Drake but Drake wraps his hand around his throat.

Randy gets in as he runs at Drake and he wraps his hand around Randy throat.

Kane gets into the ring as Drake sees him and then shoved Randy over to him.

Kane and Drake then stand side by side as they lift Randy and Luke up and slam them both down with a double chokeslam.

Drake picks Luke back up as he wraps his hand around his throat and then Kane also does this as the two lift him up and slam him down together with a chokeslam.

Drake picks Luke back up as he wraps his hand around his throat and then Kane also does this as the two lift him up and slam him down together with a chokeslam

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Drake then goes for the cover.

Ref: 1. 2. 3!


Greg: Here are your winners. Dean Ambrose, Kane and Drake Calaway!!!

Drake stands up as he immediately walks to the ropes and gets out of the ring. Alexa walks over to him as she hands him his jacket.

Drake turns and sees Dean finally get up as he wraps his hand around his throat and then lifts him up before slamming him down with a chokeslam.

Suddenly the lights go out and when they come back on Drake and Alexa were no longer seen.

Smackdown ends with Daniel and Shane coming out to the ring and Shane being added to team Smackdown.


What do you think about Alexa's title win?

What'd you think about Drake being Dean and Kane's tag team partner?

Also is it just me or could Dean and Drake be like the next team hell no? 🤷

Also I didn't do the whole match cause obviously Drake wasn't tagged in due to Dean not wanting too, so that's why it was so short.

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