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From far away, Nasia seemed too inebriated to notice the droid or the man he sat with. Ark wasn't wearing his helmet this time, leaving him with the advantage. There was no way the Jedi could recognize him unless she sensed him, PeeToo thought.

He was right, of course. While he was too low to the ground to be noticed anyway, he could've sworn Nasia and Ark made eye contact for a moment. Nasia turned away without any concern, but PeeToo waited to see if Ark had any ounce of sobriety left in him to notice who she was.

Ark's gaze lingered in her direction for a moment, and the droid was left in suspense before the man simply turned back to his drinks. The droid grunted and poked Ark's leg with his probe.


PeeToo pointed firmly in Nasia's direction.

"I don't know what you are pointing at, Too."

He pointed to the Mirialan again and whirred in frustration.

"...The Jedi? No, it's rude to just assume-" From that distance, Ark only noticed colorful forms, including a few shades of green. He squinted and swallowed some of his drink. As the green woman's face became slightly clearer, he choked on the alcohol, spitting some of it up. "Oh, kriff."

The droid shook from side to side eagerly.

"Yes, I know we need a plan, but what? We are in the middle of so many people." Ark laid the side of his head in his hand, keeping an eye on the Jedi, and the other women she was with while contemplating his next step. Another chance was handed to him, and he couldn't mess it up this time around. Though, it would've been the simplest option to just let her go, right? 'No,' He thought. The Force was on his side this time. "I'm going to talk to her," Ark said, already getting to his feet and walking past the patrons that stood between them.

PeeToo involuntarily released the highest squeak that his mechanics would allow, but decided it wasn't worth it to chase after his human.

"Hi," Arkeous towered over the women, now noticing that Nasia was with a Pantoran and a Mikkian.

"Uh, hi," Nasia started, but she couldn't hold in her laughter. All the girls shared a doubtful, yet humorous glance.

"May I talk to you?" The man nodded to the Mirialan.

"Whatever you want to say to her, you can say in front of us. I know how men like you are," Xasyi grumbled.

"You have some stuff on your face," Shifi muttered sweetly, moving her finger in the air in a circular motion towards the light spots on his face. She tore off half of a napkin at their table and handed it to him.

The next line in Ark's head fleeted. He raised a hand to politely decline the gesture, smiled awkwardly, and turned back to Nasia. "Did you want to dance?"

She snorted. "No,"

"Okay," He hesitated, but eventually turned to leave.

"I'll dance with you!" Shifi called out.

"No thanks," Ark waved a hand without turning back, to which the women erupted in a fit of laughter.

"Well, that was a bust," Ark met back up with PeeToo and lazily slumped in his seat.

If he had waited just one more moment before, he would have seen that PeeToo was ready to offer an option. Out of a port in the droid's torso, a claw emerged, holding a small, white tablet.

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