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          Arkeous Malum, or "Ark, as his comrades called him, dreaded these days. Mustafar was already a hellish environment, but it was that time of the season where heat waves would come more rapidly and storms would taunt the fumes into becoming more widespread. All that being said, training outside was common for him and the other two students, much to their dismay. The rocks he sat upon would have burned right through his human flesh, but the armor he was so graciously given by his master, was just enough to prevent that. The heat was still more than uncomfortable, but Ark couldn't help himself. For the six years he spent on Mustafar, the view was irresistible.

          A volcano in the distance erupted a ray of orange liquid only for it to fall back on itself and slowly cover the surrounding rocks. He couldn't put his finger on it, but it differed from the other eruptions. The same volcano exploded twice a year on Mustafar and was nothing if not graceful about it. It could have been the sky's lighting this time of day or just the scenery around it, but the colors it released were unlike the default redness of the planet. It was lighter and almost seemed transparent from this distance. The rushing waves of lava around Ark disguised the fact that there was a far-off explosion, which he was convinced was nicer than what it would have sounded like if he were standing right under it.

          "Master Cruxl wants us back at the base." A modulated female voice came from behind him. "You've been out here since we finished our training?"

          Startled, Arkeous turned his head, barely capturing her entire form. "Yes-"

          "You know he doesn't want us outside for more than an hour. Not that I would be upset if you got cooked alive, but that'll only mean that Ropho and I get more on our plates. Not to mention, you've gotten us in trouble how many times since we've been here? I'm not looking forward to another incident."

          Ark sighed. He was lucky that the river's white noise did its part in shielding his irritated grunt as he got up. He didn't even have a comeback for her question, not that he usually did, anyway.

          "Master says he wants to give us a briefing."

          "About what?" Ark adjusted his helmet, ready to rip it off once they arrived behind the sealed doors.

          "I don't know, why don't you ask him?" She snarled.

          Once the two were locked in the base, their shoulders fell with relief and they removed their matte-black helmets. The temperature-controlled environment was truly a luxury.

          Ropho, a young Tholothian man roughly around Ark's age, stood alongside Master Atrag Cruxl, a Trandoshan that towered above the human. Rezu, the red-haired Zygerrian woman who accompanied Ark bowed her head slightly at her master. Ark did the same before rising and ruffling the dark waves that framed his face. His olive skin immediately darkened in the base's dim lighting as well as the patches of lighter skin that riddled his face.

          "Come. We have much to discuss." Cruxl hissed.

          The three students huddled around their master in his chambers, all taking a knee.

          "Your time has come, my students. You are probably not aware that Lord Sidious has finally carried out his plans to rid the galaxy of the Jedi..."

          "They're gone?" Ropho looked up from his boots.

          "Silence." Rezu murmured.

          "The Jedi have been defeated. However, we are getting reports that some have escaped. Details are being sent to me as we speak – but I am sending each of you to do your part for our new empire. The emperor has future plans in place for capturing these traitors, but you all will have to do for now."

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