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Coronet City

Corellian Shipyards

22 BBY

          The skies of Corellia looked promising for a rain shower, if not a light storm. With any luck, it would pass over in peace without the threat of staying. "Hate" was never the right word for a Jedi, so instead, Nasia Plubel "strongly disliked" flying with anything other than clear skies.

          "I've never seen a Star Destroyer being built. Have you ever wondered that? Why you only see them just... show up in the sky?" The newly knighted Jedi released one hand from the ship's controls as they landed.

          Biwu Luten frowned at Nasia's lack of control over the ship, but surprisingly, they made a pretty swift and smooth landing. Many teachers didn't let their students fly them out of fear – which was ironic as they were Jedi Masters – though, Biwu welcomed her lack of piloting skills. He couldn't help but be proud; she hadn't wrecked a ship yet, at least to his knowledge. Not to mention, the times she pushed past the speed limit and swerved through lanes when punctuality wasn't on their side, provided a great amount of adrenaline for Biwu to leech off of.

          "Hm. I guess I never really thought about that," Master Luten shrugged as he slowly pushed himself from the passenger seat and walked down the ship's ramp. Nasia quickly followed and they both soon became engulfed in the lively Corellian spaceport. "Come," Biwu waved a gentle hand as he led Nasia to the engineering division. It was normally closed off to the public, including the Jedi, unless absolutely necessary.

          Today, however, was the launch of the Venator assigned to Nasia Plubel. "The Element" was the name she had already picked out. A "flight element", according to her new naval knowledge, consisted of a pair of ships in a starfighter formation. While seemingly small and unimportant, that team was only a part of a whole. In a galaxy of 10,000 Jedi Knights preparing for war, this beast of a Star Destroyer was only one part of that whole.

          "Okay, keep quizzing me." Nasia clasped and rubbed her hands together eagerly.

          "Are you sure you're okay?" Biwu continued walking but turned to put a hand on her forehead after carefully brushing away her bangs. "This is the first time I've seen you study. Let alone get excited to study," He tried to hold back a smile to no avail.

          She clicked her tongue and whipped her head away from her former master with a joking smile.

          Biwu let out a heavy sigh through his nose and pulled out a neatly folded piece of paper from his robes. "Okay... Uh- What's the average number of troopers in a battalion? And what's the overall structure of a battalion?"

          "About 576 troopers. And each battalion has 4 companies..." She rolled her eyes to the sky in thought, raising a finger. "A company has 144 troopers. Then it has 4 platoons with 4 squads each and 9 troopers each." It wasn't uncommon for Nasia to display a hint of pride with a slight grin when spewing off what little information she knew.

          Biwu had trouble keeping up with her response, but haphazardly confirmed it with the notes she gave him.

          Nasia nudged the older Mirialan man. "What's the next one?"

          "That's it. That's all you have written..." Biwu tilted his head.

          "Hm. Oh-" She stopped in her tracks. It seemed like her chin couldn't ever tilt up enough to take in the colossal, metal formation in front of her eyes.

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