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          "Jabith! He-ey," Nasia's eyebrows melted into a panicked expression.

          Upon entering the large house behind Belcin and a rather angry Jabith, Nasia awkwardly glanced towards the living area at the same girls she met before, mid-altercation. Rosharia had her arms around Shifi from behind, trying to force a metallic contraption onto her snowy head.

          "Sajja? You're back!" The small Pantoran fought her way out of Rosha's death grip and rushed towards the Mirialan, engulfing her in a tight embrace. She was welcomed back with friendly smiles for the most part, but that didn't cancel out the confusion that filled the room.

          "Belcin, this is the friend that's staying with us? Because she had 'nowhere else to go'?" Jabith crossed her arms, then turned to Nasia.

          Rosha tilted her head, burying the contraption under her arm. "I thought you said you had a place. The university could've helped you with housing. Are you even a student?" Little did Nasia know, Rosha was known amongst her peers for jumping to conclusions far too early.

          For someone that was skilled at improvisation, Nasia fell silent and pressed her lips into a line, glancing at Belcin for help.

          She didn't have to wait for long. Belcin cut in, "Her girlfriend kicked her out. And she's broke."

          "Wow." Nasia mumbled breathlessly. "Yes..." She started slowly. "Uh, that's what's happening. And yeah, I'm a student," Nasia scoffed as though it was obvious.

          "I'm so sorry," A familiar set of blue head tendrils poked into view. She sounded on the verge of tears.

          "Oh, right." Belcin exhaled. "Xasyi is a bit sensitive with relationship stuff." She leaned close to Nasia and her voice fell to a hush. "Xas. I'm sure N- Sajja doesn't want to talk about that right now."

          "We can talk later if you want," Xasyi gently grabbed one of Nasia's hands into her own and gave her a reassuring nod.

          "So where will she be staying? On the couch?" Jabith tilted her head.

          "We'll clear out the junk in one of the storage rooms. There's a mattress somewhere," Belcin spoke nonchalantly as she quickly took on one of the chores that was left untouched.

          "We have storage rooms?" Shifi murmured to herself.

          "What- And put that stuff where?" Jabith rushed to Bel's side, speaking with every intention of Nasia hearing.

"Anywhere. Don't fight me on it, I'm the alor." Belcin looked up at her companion with a slight smirk. She never used her title to her advantage, but it became a running habit among the other sorority members. "Just help out please, yeah?"

"'Alor'"? Nasia questioned the unfamiliar word.

"Mando'a word for 'leader', or 'chief'... I'm the head of the sorority." Belcin finished cleaning the few dishes that were left out and went back around to Nasia. "Jabith here is my co-alor. My second in command, basically."

Nasia almost let out a chuckle. She never had a second in command that acted as inconsiderate as this woman.

"Her second in command," Jabith whispered to Nasia, as if reminding her.

Nasia widened her eyes and glanced to the floor, not surprised by her behavior at all. "Congratulations..?"

"-I'll help move everything," Shifi raised her hand slightly.

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