Part 26

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After two weeks at Joe's, it was time for Eve to transition back to her apartment. He had spent a small fortune turning it into a fortress; installing a state of the art security system and negotiating with the property manager to allow them to put cameras outside of her building.

"Ok, you know how to arm and disarm this right?" Joe pointed to the keypad on the wall and Eve nodded. "Yes I do, and I have the panic button next to my bed," Eve replied. "Good. Is there anything else you need me to get you before I go? I'm going to be stuck in practice the next three days before we leave."

Looking around at the mountain of groceries and supplies Joe had purchased, Eve shook her head. "You've got me set for the zombie apocalypse." Joe fiddled with one of his rubber bracelets and chewed the inside of his cheek. "What's wrong Joe?" Eve walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"It's dumb," Joe frowned. "Hey–talk to me. Nothing you say is dumb," Eve said softly, lightly scratching his back. "Dropping you back off today kinda reminded me of when we moved you in-the first time." Joe's eyes darted around as Eve thought back to that rainy afternoon they packed up a U-Haul and emptied Eve's life into this tiny apartment.

She closed her eyes for a second; picturing the two of them sobbing on the floor while they promised each other they would stay in touch, both of them trying in vain to cling to the remnants of the couple they had been. It had been a promise made with the best of intentions that never fully materialized; the anguish of the breakup eventually giving way to the new normal they had learned to live in for the nine months they were single.

"It's not like that Joe. And it's not ever going to be like that again. I told you, I'm in this for the long run, okay? No matter what," Eve reassured him. Letting out a shaky breath, Joe buried his nose in her hair and swayed gently. "You're right. It's old tape. Just been nice having you all to myself for the past few weeks." Joe mustered a smile and Eve cupped his cheek.

"It was really nice being back at your place. I don't think Flossy is ever going to forgive me for dragging him out of that new cat tower you bought him," Eve joked. "Yeah, we're gonna need to discuss an arrangement for Flossy. He thrives with me; I think I should get partial custody of him," Joe suggested. "No. Absolutely not. You complained about that damn cat for five years. Just because you've gone soft now doesn't mean you get to steal my son."

They argued playfully for a few more minutes before Joe had to leave; his hands tangling in Eve's hair as he lovingly kissed her one more time. That weekend they would see each other in Cleveland for the final game of the regular season, and Eve felt a giddy burst of energy run through her body when she arrived at FirstEnergy Stadium a few days later.

"Eve!" She whipped around at the sound of her name being called and was happy to see that the voice belonged to Amanda. "Hey you! How are you?" Eve bent down to embrace the petite woman and Amanda got emotional. "I feel like I owe you the biggest apology in the world. This whole situation with Joe and you know who is my fault," Amanda cried.

"Stop it. You had no idea it was going to end up this way. I do wish you had said something to me when you realized she was absolutely psychotic, but I also understand that would have been an impossible conversation to have." Eve hugged her tightly, digging a tissue out of her purse and handing it over.

"I wish I had too. And I'm so sorry I didn't." Amanda's face spoke volumes and Eve knew she was genuine. There was no point in belaboring the point now; it was done and Lana was going to be an installation in Eve's life for the foreseeable future. Guilting Amanda wasn't going to change that.

"Come on. Let's grab a drink and I can tell you all about the van I tried to stop with my body." The two women headed for the bar nearest their box and downed a few drinks while Eve outlined her scare in Erie. "Jesus Chris Eve. You could have been killed. What were you thinking?"

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