Part 7

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One of the things Eve had always appreciated about Joe was his ability to make the little moments special. Though he could drop the ball on larger occasions, he had a knack for making the mundane exciting. Over the years, they'd developed a million little traditions; the first day of spring meant a croquet tournament that would last for hours until Eve eventually gave in and let Joe win. If she won a big case at work, he always made his Mom's chicken and dumplings to celebrate.

Another tradition was Friday Cake, a trend that stemmed from one particularly rough Friday during finals the first year they were together during which, at the end of a long day of multiple examinations, Joe walked down to the local bakery and got the largest sheet cake he could find.

Eve had long given up Friday Cake, and had assumed Joe had too until she heard a knock at her door promptly at 7 later that night. Scampering to the door, Eve's eyes lit up when she spotted Joe holding a large pink bakery box. "You remembered," Eve said softly, standing aside so Joe could come in. "Of course I did. Got your favorite too," Joe smiled, setting the cake on the counter. Lifting up the lid, Eve could tell he got chocolate cake with raspberry coulis. "We can break into this after dinner," Eve winked.

The two shared a drink on Eve's tiny terrace before heading to dinner. The Bolero Room was an eclectic tapas restaurant that overlooked the river and featured live music on the weekends. Eve always loved the dark Basque inspired interior, and tonight it provided an ample amount of anonymity as they snuck in through the back door. Settling into the table, Joe couldn't wipe the smile off his face as he watched Eve study the menu and rattle off everything she wanted to order. "That all sounds good," Joe said, his eyes drinking in the sight of Eve's off- the-shoulder dress.

"Are you sure? That's a lot of carbs...I know you are about carbs after 5PM," Eve teased. "I told you Eve, I'm a changed man," Joe smirked as he flagged down the waiter. The pair enjoyed a beautiful dinner and Eve was pleased at how easily the conversation flowed. She had a brief moment of panic while she was getting ready that things would feel awkward, but they still shared the same easy communication they'd always had.

After dinner they ordered another round of drinks and sat talking for a while. The live music was in full swing and Eve looked to the dance floor wistfully as she watched various couples get up to dance. "Do you want to dance?" Joe asked as he noticed her looking into the main dining room. "Probably no way for us to do so inconspicuously," Eve shrugged. Looking around their tiny enclave set up by the restaurant, Joe stood up and held out his hand. Taking it apprehensively, Eve giggled as Joe pulled her close to dance.

"Well... how's this date going?" Joe whispered as they swayed to the tango being performed in the other room. "If I'm being totally honest...pretty damn wonderful. Extra points for Friday Cake and dancing," Eve beamed. Joe's heart soared as he held Eve close to his chest. He knew that he had a long way to go to prove that he'd changed, but he felt an optimism that he'd long thought was dead.

Joe and Eve stayed wrapped in each other's arms for a few more songs, their voices hushed as they enjoyed the privacy their isolated table brought them. The only problem was that their seemingly invisible bubble wasn't so private, and, unbeknownst to them, a series of photos taken of them that night would later end up in the hands of someone with less than noble intentions.

They snuck out the back entrance and headed to Eve's for dessert before Joe apologetically had to leave due to an early practice. Walking Joe to her front door, Eve rocked back and forth on her heels as the pair said goodnight to each other. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" Joe said as he hugged Eve tightly. "It's a plan," she smiled. Just as Joe was about to leave, Eve abruptly called out to him as he strolled towards her elevator. "Joe, wait a second," she yelled as she ran down the hallway. "What's wrong?" Joe asked as the elevator doors opened. "You know, people kiss on dates," Eve joked as she leaned against the wall.

Joe's eyes lit up as he licked his lips, closing the space between them. Gently holding Eve's face in his hands, Joe's whole body flushed as he met her lips with his. Eve sighed into the kiss as she snaked her arms around Joe's neck, an involuntary reflex after so many years together. A few moments later, Joe pulled away breathless as Eve softly ruffled his hair. "I've gotta go Evie," Joe murmured, pecking her lips one more time. "Drive safe Joey," she said as she left him lightheaded and more determined than ever. 

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