Part 36

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2 weeks later . 
Nathan and Dixie are dating and Dixie's so happy with him . Charli is dating chase . Nick and Sophie are just crushing on each other rn , nothing more. Noah still has feelings for Dixie but he pretends that he doesn't.

Dixie's pov :
Nate is the most amazing person ever ! He's so cute , funny , romantic, and you can say a little dominant , but it's fine . I'm really happy with him . I wish we never break up ! Today , we are all going to a beach house . Sophie's parents have one and they allowed us to use it for the weekend . Now it's 11 pm and we're packing our last stuff.

D: ( packing her stuff )
Na: ( walks in Dixie's room and hugs her from behind ) baby are you done yet ? There waiting for us in the car
D: yeah babe ( kisses his cheek ) let's go
Na: ( walks downstairs and sees Finn on the couch) Noah literally forgot his own brother
D: I'll take him ( picks Finn up ) cmon baby boy , let's go to your brother ( gets in the car with Nate ) Noah did you forget something?
N: ( starts driving ) no why ?
D: are you sure ?
N: yes I a- WAIT FINN ! Omg !
D: he's with me rn
N: ( looks at them in the backseat) oh my goodness! I literally forgot about him ( laughs then continues driving )

After 1 hour, we arrived at the beach house. We put our things in the living room and we sat there to divide the rooms between us.

S: so there's 3 master rooms , and 3 other rooms .
D: me and Nathan will take one of the master rooms
S: ok , two left
N: I'll take the other one , I want Finn to be next to me
S: ok , one left
C: me and chase will take it
S: ok . Now the other rooms .
B: me and Curtis will share one
S: ok
Ni: me and you will share one .
S: me ? ( looks at him )
Ni: yes you
S: ( blushes ) um okay we'll share one . So now one room is empty, anyone wanna change ?
D: no I thing we're all good
S: ok then , the master rooms are in the 3rd floor and the others are in the 2nd floor

We took our luggage to our rooms then decided to eat lunch , it was already 1 pm so it's lunchtime. We ordered pizza and now we're playing truth or dare together.

S: who's gonna start ?
Cu: I will ! Noah t or d ?
N: umm t ( has Finn on his lap , playing with his hair )
Cu: what's your fav thing about being a brother.
N: everything, except when Finn start crying at night , it's really annoying.
Cu: good thing I don't have young siblings. Now your turn
N: umm ok , Nick t or d ?
Ni: d
N: umm I dare you to kiss Sophie !
D: yesssss !
Ni: it's not like we haven't done this before ( kisses her ) Now my turn , dix t or d ?
D: umm t
Ni: who is your first love ?
D: umm Jonathan from high school ( giggles ) sorry baby ( kisses Nate's cheek )
Na: you're good baby ( smiles )
D: now it's my turn , Noah t or d ?
N: me again ? Umm d this time
D: I dare you to call your crush rn !
N: I don't have a crush on anybody
D: no I know you have ! Do it !
N: no !
Ch: do t be a p@ssy Noah ! Just do it !
N: I said no okay ?! I don't want to call her
S: so you are a crush !?
N: I'm not gonna do that !
C: whyy ?
N: I won't do it okay ?? Please change the date nick
Ni: so you want a truth ?
N: yes
Ni: who's your crush ?
N: oh cmon ! If you kept asking this question, I will stop playing !
Cu: Noah don't be so dramatic-
N: oh so you thing I'm dramatic Curtis ?? I thought you'll understand me bc I'm your bff for years . Anyways I won't play with y'all . I'm going to my room ( goes to his room )
D: wait Noah !
B: he'll be fine dix dw
D:( sighs ).

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