Chapter 2

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"I actually can't believe that you are going Cousins. Like ACTUALLY!" Ella shrieked

"I know! I am so nervous to see everyone again."

"I am still confused though, like why are you even going? You told me you weren't even going because you still did not want to see Conrad ."

"I know but Susannah called me last week and practically begged me to come this summer. You know I can't say no Susannah, she like my second mum and I started to miss everyone' while packing in some bikinis.

"Fair. This bikini is so cute! All the boys will have their eyes on you. Connie will regret dumping you."

"Omg shut up!' I started while laughing. 'Honestly, I just want to know why he decided to break up with me and then I can be friends with him again. You know?'

"Yeah that makes sense. Omg I forgot to mention 'you know who and - "

"Jess, we are leaving in 10 minutes!" mum yelled from downstairs.

"Alright, mum."

"Listen if you needed anything I will be a phone call away." said Emily

"I wish you could come but you are in Europe for the whole summer! At least you are coming for a week for my birthday so I won't miss you too much

"I will buy you a few gifts and when I come and see you you can tell me how happy you were to be back together with connie."

I rolled my eyes and said "Oh My God! You still believe that I will get back together with him."

"Let's make a bet. 20 bucks you will have to pay me by the end of the summer."

"Let me get into that bet as well" Noah said while coming into my room.

"Knock next time"

"Yeah sorry. I still can't believe mum is letting you take your own car to cousins while I have to go with mum"

"At least you will get to drive and-"

"- and listen to your shitty music"

"Hey! Taylor is amazing. You can't say shit anyways you always sing to her songs when I drive"

Noah goes all red and walks downstairs.

"That's what I thought you dickhead'

'JESS LANGUAGE" my mum yelled.

Ella and I continued to talk until I had to go. She helped me out my suitcases in my car and hugged my goodbye. Mum is letting me drive to cousins in my car and I am so happy. I leave before my mum and my brother while she is yelling at me to be careful.

Belly's pov

"Drew's bummed you're missing the beach matchup with the boys' team next weekend." Taylor said, looking up from her phone.

"Um, make sure you tell Sophie to square up for the block." I said trying to ignore what Taylor said.

"Drew Martinez is texting me about you, and you're talking about volleyball? Like, are you serious right now?"

"Drew doesn't care if I'm there or not. He just wants an excuse to text you. And you better take this game against the guys seriously. I mean, team pride is on the line, Taylor. Please."

"You know me better than that. I would never let a boy beat me at anything."

"I thought you came here to help me pack."

"Fine. I'll help. Here's a tip. Don't bring that Speedo. It doesn't do a thing for your new boobs."

"It's not a Speedo."

"I'm just saying, babes. Like, you need to pack cute things. just like Jess. Have you seen her insta the bikinis she wears , and those  cute crop tops and those short summer dresses. GOD! I was I could be her. I honestly can't wait to see her after 2 years."

"Firstly, can you stop comparing me to Jess just like everybody else does. Secondly, I always buy a new suit when I get there. Thirdly, I can't wait to see her as well. She has changed so much in the last couple of years "

"Okay. So, buy one that doesn't look like you're trying out for the swim team. "

"Are you serious?"


"Belly,  we're leaving in the next ten minutes!" Mum yelled from downstairs

"I got to go."

"No, you don't."


"We still have ten minutes."

"Boop. Okay, before I let you go, you have to tell me your summer wish. Like, the one thing you want to happen this summer. "

"I don't know."

"You little liar."

"Yes, you do. You want a hot make-out with Conrad Fisher. You want his tongue in your mouth, you dirty little slut."

"Okay. Shut up, Taylor."

"I'm just saying. Like, you've been in love with him since we were 12. You even had a crush on him when him and jess dated and you told her you were happy, but deep down you were jealous but get YOUR feelings aside. Listen they are not dating anyone, so you've got to shit or get off the pot. "

"(A) That's disgusting. And B: It doesn't matter what I do, he doesn't see me that way."

"Oh, he'll see you. "

"Also, I can't do that to Jess even though they dated it, he hurt her a lot and I can't do that to her."

"Whether he wants to or not. You look a lot different than last summer, Belly."

Maybe Taylor is right, I do look different. I got rid of my braces, started to wear contacts, and my boobs finally look bigger. No. Belly stop thinking about connie, he was Jess ex and hurt her a lot. he could do the same to you.

You hurt me - Conrad Fisher (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now