Chapter 5

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The next days Heeseung continued driving to school with Sunghoon, he didn't even mind waking up early anymore

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The next days Heeseung continued driving to school with Sunghoon, he didn't even mind waking up early anymore.
„Today the art project would start" he thought as he waited for the handsome boy and not much later he already showed up.
Sunghoon's mood dropped as he saw Heeseung waiting again, his facial expression went blank and he tried to escape him.
But after a while he gave up because it wouldn't help to drive faster since Heeseung is a sporty guy.
After a while Sunghoon stopped out of sudden which surprised Heeseung so he also stopped.
„What do you exactly want from me?" the cold boy said, Heeseung mouth slightly opened, he couldn't believe it at all.
The boy, literally the boy which he was following during the last days had finally spoken to him.
„I want you." Heeseung answered teasingly.
Sunghoon choked and widened his eyes, he expected everything but not this.
He stepped back a bit and as his mind got a bit clearer again, he drove away as fast as he could.
Heeseung choke his head, what did he said „I want you?" he couldn't believe it himself, this wasn't what he planned to say, why was he so stupid...
He hit himself and puzzled himself again.
He let out a deep sigh, then he continued driving to school.
"YOU ARE A FREAK*** IDIOT" he shouted out to himself as the wind blew trough his hair.
He made the boy speak up and ruined everything.

He slowly walked into the classroom, staring at the floor while repeating again and again what he had said earlier.
"Heyy Heeseung Hyung there you are!" Jake said pulling an arm around his shoulder.
"Is everything okay?" Jake asked his Hyung which just nodded.
Heeseung sat down at his place not allowing to glance over where Sunghoon sat.
He thought a lot about what he had said earlier and came to the solution that he'll just ignore it and take action again because that's not what he's typically like. "Pull yourself together Lee Heeseung" he whispered to himself.
Right after that Ms. Park walked in, with a bright smile on her face because the long awaited art project will start from today on.
She gave them a sign that they should sit down next to their group mates, so they all needed to switch seats.
Heeseung took that chance, so before the pinkish haired boy could sit down next to Sunghoon he grabbed that chair and sat down.
Riki who was in a group with them 3 looked to his friend with a confused but also light suspicious face.
"So your name is Sunoo?" Riki asked that boy who sat down right next to him, Sunoo nodded and blushed away.
He hasn't been that near to anyone of the Top5 before, now he is in a group with two of them and he could totally understand why every girl freaks out when they see them because they're very handsome.
Even right now when he sits right next to them, they look even more handsome.

After Ms. Park told them their topic they could start, everyone seemed to have an idea already but the 4 boys just sat their staring at the task they've gotten.
"A picture which represents the feeling of calming down"
"Guys do you have any idea?" Riki asked but everyone shook their heads.
"Well I mean we still have enough time." he added.
"That's true" Sunoo agreed and started chatting with Riki.
Heeseung then glanced over to Sunghoon who seemed to be deeply in thoughts.
"Sunghoon?" Heeseung started.
"Hmmh" Sunghoon shook his head because he was still puzzled by Heeseungs words from this morning.
"What's your favourite drink these days ?" Heeseung asked even though he didn't expect an answer.
"Coffee" Sunghoon mumbled and continued spacing out in thoughts.
Heeseung couldn't hide his smile and catches himself staring at Sunghoon a bit too long.
He quickly turned away and joined the conversation.
"Hyung what do you think about that?" Riki asked Heeseung which let out a "huh" because he was confused.
"Were you even listening or was your attention somewhere else?" he laughed at Heeseung because he recognised him staring at Sunghoon earlier and to his expectation Heeseung got startled.
"No I haven't paid attention happy now?" Heeseung snapped back at Riki and avoided his stare.
This action made the 2 boys in front of him laugh even Sunghoon couldn't hide a slight smile.
"We thought we could go to the forest camp this weekend to collect some ideas for our project, what do you guys think?" Sunoo explained to them.
"Well I'm in, I've got nothing else to do this weekend." Heeseung approved even though he wasn't a big fan of this boy Sunoo.
"What about you Sunghoon?" the pink haired guy asked.
"Not sure." he said cold as always.
"Please Hoon Hyung" Sunoo begged him with his cute vibe which pissed Heeseung off.
"DID HE JUST CALLED HIM HOON HYUNG?!" he started to loose his patience against that Sunoo guy.
"If he don't want to then leave it." he said pissed looking at Sunoo with a death stare.
"I'll go" suddenly Sunghoon said which surprised everyone and Sunoo had let out a "yayyy" this made Heeseung more mad.
"Hee hyung calm down." Riki tried to calm his hyung because he saw him clinching his fists but instead of calming him down he also earned a death stare.
"What have I done now?" he complained cutely which relieved the tension and made them burst out into laughter because it seemed so wrong seeing Riki being cutely.
"Heyy why y'all so mean?" he complained more and more...
Even the cold guy Sunghoon started to laugh which caught Heeseung's and Sunoo's attention.
"He's so pretty when he laughs" they both thought.
At that moment Heeseung saw that Sunoo has recognised it too, he gave him a warning stare which confused but also kinda scared the joyfully pink haired boy...


It's been almost a half year since I've last updated, so I hope there are still some people reading this..
If yes I hope you enjoyed it and you definitely can look forward to the next chapter which I'm already working on! 🤭

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