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                                   Billie's POV

I wake up in a bed that definitely is not mine, I sit up quickly and every memory from yesterday floods my mind. Fuck.

There's a knock at the door before Matt steps in, "hey how'd you sleep?"

"I slept as good as I could with everything that happened, thanks for letting me stay here" I smile warmly.

"Anytime dude, I'm heading to school in like half an hour. Are you up for going? If not you can stay here my mom won't mind."

"Um I'm gonna go to school, I can't keep missing days. Do you have a hoodie and sweats I could borrow?" My legs now dangling over the edge of the bed.

"Yeah of course" he goes through his closet and pulls out a burgundy adidas hoodie with matching sweats. "Here, I'll wait for you in the car. We're grab breakfast before we head to school."

"Okay, thanks again."

"There's a spare toothbrush in the drawer by the sink and rags too." With that he leaves the room shutting the door behind him.

I get dressed and do everything I need to do to look somewhat presentable. Once I head to Matt's car and he drives off, the car ride is silent until we pull into the school lot. I get ready to open the door when he stops me.

"Hey um I know this is gonna be a hard day for you but if you need to escape call me okay? I mean it, doesn't matter what time I-"

I cut him off wrapping my arms around him pulling into a tight hug, "thank you for being here for me Matt."

"You're my friend, it's kinda my job" he shrugs fighting a smile.

We head into the school together and go out separate ways when the bell rings. But not before he makes me promise to text him if anything happens.

Once I walk away from Matt I can drop my fake smile. My heart aches immediately when I'm alone, but I do my best to shake it off and walk into my first class taking a seat in the back.

Sadly though, Sev is in this class and so is Bria. Yay for me. I keep my head low and keep my eyes locked on my notebook as I doodle. From the corner of my eye I see Sev take the seat next to me. There's a painful thumping in my chest, my hands become sweaty and cold.

"Billie can we-"

"No" I say sternly and quickly, "speak to me again and I leave."

Sev's eyes burn holes into the side of my face but I don't give her the satisfaction of looking back at her. I can't, if I do I'll break and she doesn't get to see that.. Or maybe she should.

"Billie please, can we just talk just for five minutes after class" she begs in a hushed tone.

"We only have four minutes to get our next class before the bell rings" I state matter of factly.

"Please then I'll never bother you again. For the rest of the day at least" she mumbles that last sentence.



The bell rings and my heart sinks and practically falls out of my ass. I am not in the mood for this but at least after this she'll leave me alone.

She leads the way to a semi quiet place and sighs, "Billie will you please look at me, I miss y-"

"You have five minutes and that's all so make it worth something" I bite back.

"Alright fine. I don't know how much you saw between me and Jasmine but I swear it wasn't what it looked like" she defends herself and all I can do is laugh.

"So I didn't see that girl with her tongue down your throat? Don't bore me with your lame ass lies. But for lying your time is up, I'm done. Enjoy your day" I flash her a phony smile and brush past her.

As I storm off my breathing picks up and my chest tightens. Fuck. Perfect time to have a panic attack. In the middle of the fucking hallway, really Billie?!

Breathing starts to become a lot more difficult, something's not right.

                                    Sev's POV

Billie brushes past me and all I wanna do is cry. I screwed up so bad. I just couldn't stop what was happening with Jasmine, I couldn't.

I walk back to the main part of the hallway with my head hanging low when I see a crowd swarming in the middle of the hall. Not in the mood for the drama I do my best to push through the seas of people when I hear gasps for air. I make it to the center of what has everyone's attention and I drop everything.

"Billie?! Oh my god!" We make eye contact as her legs give out but I catch her before she hits the floor.

"C-Can't .. breathe.. my bag..." tears fill her eyes and her face loses its color.

"Hand me her fucking bag! And back up!" I shout making everyone go quiet. Some girl slides me her back and I rummage through it. In the front pocket a little red and white inhaler catches my attention.

She has asthma. How didn't I know?

I took the cap off and put it to her mouth, she wraps her lips around it and I push the top letting her take a few breaths before hitting it again. I let out a sigh of relief when I hear her breathing start to normalize.

"Everybody out of the way!" I hear the nurse and principal from behind the crowd.

"What happened? Is she alright?" The nurse drops to her knees checking Billie's face and placing her hand on her forehead.

"She had an asthma attack, I gave her this" I explain.

"Alright Ms. Aledor take Billie to your office to rest, I'll notify her parents. Everyone else get to class now!" Ackerman announces.

"Ms. Monroe would you mind helping me bring her?" Ms. Aledor asks.

"O-Of course I-"

Billie shakes her head frantically, "n-no I can get there w-without her."

"If you're sure, Ms. Eilish" the nurse nods.

"Come on Monroe, I'll walk you to class and explain the situation to your teacher" Ackerman says.

She really hates me..

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