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                               Billie's POV


Suspended for 3 days.. Sev and I got 3 days while that bitch got 5.. But so get suspended?! What the hell did I do?

"I cannot believe your behavior Billie!" My mother scolds me as we get out the car.

"You have never acted out like this before! What do you have to say for yourself?!" My father adds.

I take out my keys to unlock the front door and storm up to my room slamming my door shut.

"We will discuss this later Billie!!" My mother shouts.

I plop onto my bed and just lay there, my face buried into my bed. Well I lay there until it becomes harder and harder to breathe, then I cave deciding to stop torturing myself.

My phone rings making me roll my eyes immediately, if Sev is calling me I swear-

"What?" I deadpan not even bothering to see who was calling.

"Bil, what happened after you went to Ackerman's office? I've been texting you" Zoe.

"We all got suspended, them longer than me" I grunt.

"What?! What the hell did you get suspended for?!" Zoe exclaims sounding like she's ready to draw blood.

"I really don't know but calm down, Zoe, I'll be fine. I could use a break from school" I sigh.

"But this will be on your school record Bil, you shouldn't have-"

"Look Zoe I know that I don't deserve to be suspended but I really don't wanna talk about this right now. I-" I let out a shaky breath, "I just wanna go to bed" I said in a hushed tone.

Tears pricked my eyes, I just don't want to think about this right now.

"I totally understand, will you call me if you feel like talking or anything?" She requests, I can tell she's concerned but doesn't wanna push it.

"Y-yeah" I whisper before hanging up.

I use my right foot to kick off my left shoe and vice versa before slipping out of my clothes and heading to my bathroom in just my underwear.

I turn on the shower before sitting on the floor near the sink, the cold floor causing goosebumps to coat my skin. My eyes fall to the small scars scattered across the lower half of my body.

It's been a while..

Mindlessly my hand pulls open the cabinet closest to me and feels around at the top of it. When my middle finger is pricked I know I've found it.

Pulling out, I stare at it while my cut finger goes into my mouth. I take a big deep breath in and as I let it out the blade glides over the skin of my wrist..

Five should be good enough..

Tears blur my vision as I finished the last one, I didn't go super deep so there isn't a ton a blood. After that time my parents found me I stopped going as deep.

I put the blade back into its designated hiding spot before grabbing my small box of bandaids to cover what I had done. I stood up off the floor and a wave of nausea hit me like a truck. I felt my heart racing and my vision was spotty, my eyes fall down the cuts. There was blood seeping through the bandaids.


                                    Sev's POV

My phone had not stopped ringing since I got home. Fed up; I snatch my phone off the bed and answer it.

"What?!" I snap.

"First off, lose the fucking attitude Sev. Second, why the hell aren't you answering your phone?" Drew snaps back.

"Who are you? My fucking mother?! If I don't wanna answer my damn phone I won't but since I did what do you want, Drew?" I roll my eyes.

"For you to go find the balls you lost and handle that bitch, Bria. You let her do that shit to Billie because you're afraid of how you feel."

"How the hell do you know how I feel? Huh?! Stop trying to be my fucking keeper and leave me the hell alone!"

"You know what, Sincerity? You got it." Drew hung up and I chucked my phone across the room.

I'm so sick of everyone saying the bitch ass name.

My phone rang again, "this is bull shit" I mumble to myself as I go to get my phone. The name on my phone made all my anger fade away as confusion set in.


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