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Billie's POV

I wake up in a shitty mood; Bria is allowed to come back to school today. I attempt to get out of bed but I'm stopped by the arm wrapped around me.

"Sev get up and let me go I have to pee" I laugh when I see her start to smile.

"Nooo stay, you're warm" her raspy morning voice is really sexy.

"We have school get up" I chuckle prying her arm from around me.

I went in the bathroom to did my business and get in the shower. As I am scrubbing my body I hear someone knocking on the door.

"Yeah?" I call out.

"Baby I know you're in the shower but can I use the bathroom?" Sev yells back.

"Come in" I chuckle to myself.


"Sev, are you ready yet?" I say fixing my leg warmers and putting on my chunky sneakers.

"Yes I'm r-" she turns around and looks at me with this stupid grin, "you look so pretty baby!"

My cheeks heat up probably turning tomato red, "shut up" I giggle.

Sev moves closer to me until our bodies are flush together, my body heats up immediately as she leans in. Her lips hovering near my ear, "make me."

They way her voice drop a few octaves makes my legs go weak. I smash my lips against hers to which she instantly kisses me back. A low moan escapes as she pushes her tongue into my mouth.

It lasts for a few minutes before my alarm goes off letting me know we should be leaving the house right about now. We pulls away completely breathless and i'm left flustered.

Sev and I haven't really discussed what we are, I haven't told her I've been falling for her for some time now. What if I say something and she doesn't feel the same? Yes we kiss.. but that doesn't mean she wants to be in a relationship.

"You okay mamas?" My heart flutters from the pet name pulling me from my thoughts.

"Mhm" I smile warmly locking hands with her as we head out.

The closer we get to closer the more anxious I feel and Sev can definitely sense my uneasiness.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look even whiter than usual" she says trying to keep her eyes on the road.

"Y-yeah I'm fine" I lie. My heart is pounding so hard it's starting to drown out any other sounds. The back of my thighs are sticking to the tan leather seats of her car and my palms are sweaty.

Sev parks the car and turns it off but doesn't unlock the doors, "look at me" she demands softly yet sternly.

I do my best poker face when we make eye contact but I could see it on her face; she saw right through me. But oddly enough she didn't push me into telling her, instead she kissed my forehead and let us out of the car.

                                      Sev's POV

Billie's mood is really worrying me, I can't help her unless she talks to me but I don't wanna make things worse by pushing her to speak. As we walk into school, I place my hand on the small of her back just as reassurance to let her know I'm here with her.

I take her to her locker and let her sort out what she does or doesn't need. A girl comes up behind Billie, making her nearly jump out of her skin when the girl wraps her arms around her. I believe her name is Zoe, we've never really spoke but I know her and her group have taken Billie in. With that being said I'm not sure how to feel about her being all over Billie.

"Hey Zoe" Billie giggles.

"Don't you 'Hey Zoe' me, hoe I haven't seen you in almost two weeks. I thought you only got suspended for a few days, what the hell happened?" Zoe's question makes Billie's face drop.

"Well uh.. I had stuff going on but everything is a good now" she smiles.

"But I thought-"

"Uhhh" Bil turns to me, "Sev, you know Zoe right?"

"I know of her" I give Zoe a subtle smile, "hey."

"Hi, Sev. Has she told you why she was out for so long? You guys have been getting pretty close" Zoe smirks.

"Anywayyyy, um I'm gonna walk with Sev to her locker but we'll talk at lunch okay? Bye Zo." Billie pecks Zoe's cheek before dragging me away.

She kisses her friends on the cheek?

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