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Billie's POV

I hate to admit it but she's beautiful.. the perfect skin.. her shiny and short dark hair.. perfect pouty lips.. the tattoos..

If she wasn't such a bitch I'd consider being friends with her

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If she wasn't such a bitch I'd consider being friends with her .. or maybe more .. but then she opens her mouth and all that changes.

"See something you like?" She smirks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It really is such a shame you're so pretty" I hum before looking down at my notebook and began doodling little cartoons.

"And why is that?" Her tone slightly harsher.

I don't respond too "busy" tending to my doodles, I just smile a little to myself.

My smile doesn't last for long when her hand grips my chin roughly making me look at her, her face changing completely to what I saw earlier in the hallway. Pure disgust as if she smelled shit. That look is more insulting than anything she could ever say to me. It's almost .. hurtful.

"I asked you a question" she whispers, her breath tickling my lips making me shiver with fear.

"It's a shame you're such a bitch" I don't hold back, I figured either way she'll probably beat my ass so why not say what's on my mind.

Her face goes blank for a second and there was a part of me that thought I might have hurt her feelings.

She laughs and I'm completely thrown off now, she releases my face and sits back in her chair placing her head on the desk.

I'm just sitting her completely dumbfounded, the bell rings and she jumps up grabbing her stuff. I scramble my things to catch up with her.

"You've been with me for almost 2 hours and I don't know you're name." I say breaking the awkward silence.

She stops dead in her tracks just looking at me making me stop as well, I awkwardly look around and notice the hallway starting to clear.

She smacks my things from my hands before her hand connects to make face making me hit the locker. I fall to the floor with my hand on my cheek trying to soothe the stinging and she towered over me.

"Don't ever call me out of my fucking name again" she yells her spit hitting my face, she was about to walk away before she stops and smiles, "by the way my name is Sev. Your next class of that way" my eyes follow the direction she points at and she walks away.

Tears burn my eyes as they fall but I don't let myself sit here and cry. I get myself together quickly and run to my class making it just before the bell rings.

I go through two more classes, it is finally lunch I pray this school has decent vegan options.

I keep my head low as I follow people to the cafeteria, I bump into someone my heart sinks I hope it's not Sev.

"I am so sorry" a familiar voice speaks, we make eye contact and I sigh in relief.

"Zoe, oh my god I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention" I chuckle nervously.

"It's kinda hard to pay attention when you walk with your head down" she teases giving me a friendly smile.

"I've just been trying to lay low, do you have lunch right now too?"

"Yup, come on you're sitting with me and my friends. They'll love you" she squeals linking our arms pulling me along.

We get our food and she guides me to a table with three of people already seated, two boys and two other.

"Guys this is Billie, Billie this is Tristan, Matt, Alexandra, and Khalia" I wave at them shyly.

"Oh my god you're so pretty!" Khalia says.

"Stop, you're gorgeous" I laugh.

"So how you liking your first day?" Alexandra chimes in, resting her chin in her hand giving me her undivided attention.

"It's okay, although I wish I was assigned a nicer person to show me around the school." I giggle.

"Who's showing you around?" Tristan asks, "I'll beat anybody's ass who's mean to you, you're so nice" he laughs.

"Sev" I say and everyone's faces drop.

"Damn girl, that really sucks. Sev is the biggest bully here, why would Ackerman stick you with her?" Khalia groans.

"I have no idea, any chance either of you wanna show me how to get around so I can avoid her?"

"I would but I still get lost myself" Matt laughs.

"Shut up doofus, I gotchu Billie" Zoe giggles.

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