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                                     Matt's POV

When I storm out of the cafeteria I'm so pissed off I don't even wanna be in the building anymore so I just decide to skip. I sprint around the parking lot to get to my car, quickly getting in a pulling off.

As I'm driving a few blocks past the school I spot a girl walking, rolling down the passenger window I call out to her.

"Billie?" She looks up at me with a blotchy red face. "Get in" I frown.

I ask her if she wants to go home or to my place and she goes with my house. I guess she doesn't want her family to see her upset. The whole car ride she didn't speak but I decide to say something when we pull up to my house.

"Billie tell me what's wrong? Did something else happen after I left?" She had been sniffling the whole ride.

Her lip wobbles and she breaks down crying, her body shaking violently as she sobs. It was the most heart breaking thing I have ever witnessed. I wrap my arms around her rubbing circles on her back hoping it'll calm her enough to tell me what happened.

"T-They kissed" she croaked.

"They? Wh-" the realization set in and I hugged her tighter, "damn Billie I'm so sorry."

I let Billie get it all out not letting my tear soaked shirt bother me even though it was starting to become a little itchy.

"How about we go inside and I'll make you food?" I say hoping that'll help.

She just nods against me, I let her go and we head inside.

Drew's POV

"Sev?!" I shout i'm the hallway, the other following closely behind me.

I see someone walking towards us from far down the hallway, I open my mouth to speak to her but she speaks first.

"Where is Bria?" The bitch asks in a snarky tone.

The others walk past me to continue to find Sev, "why do you need to know where Bria is? You really should leave. You're not even supposed to be allowed on school property."

Jasmine steps closer to me, I take a huge step back landing me against the lockers. She slams her hand on the locker beside my face, this is what Sev told me about.

"I asked you a question. Where is Bria?" Jasmine grits through her teeth, a thick vein poking through on her forehead.

"I don't know where she is. Haven't seen her since first period" I mumble.

"Well if you see her tell her to calm me, 'kay?" Her tone softens a little too much.

I just nod looking anywhere but at her, she steps out of the way and I speed walk down the hallway. I catch up with the group and I see them talking to Sev.

"Sev what the hell happened? And why is she here?" I snapped at her.

"Look I don't have time to talk about that right now. Where is Billie?!" She snaps back, she actually looks really worried.

"Matt told her you were out here and she never came back. You didn't see her?" I asked rhetorically.

"They already told me that she came to find me but obviously I haven't seen her! I've been trying to call her but her phone is going straight to voicemail" she sighs.

"Alright I'll call Matt. Hold on."

The phone does a few rings then he picks up, "Matt?"

"What do you want Drew?" He says in a hushed tone.

"Why are you whispering? And have you heard from Billie?"

"She's asleep right next to me, that's why I'm whispering" he says in a 'duh' tone like I was supposed to fucking know.

"Well is she alright? Why did she leave? Why didn't she go look for Sev?" I bombard him with questions.

"One question at a time, damn. And she did go find Sev, that's why she's here with me. She caught Sev and that bitch kissing-"

I block out everything else he says and my eyes fall onto Sev. My arm drops, I use my thumb to hang up the phone.

"Are you fucking serious Sev?!" I shout.

"What? What did he say and why the fuck are you yelling at me?!"

"Billie did come to find you and you know what? She saw you and that bitch kissing!" Sev's face drops and I can visibly see the color drain from her.

"I-I have to g-get to Billie. Where is she? Is she at Matt's house?" Sev is frantic now and so is her breathing.

"You're not going to her. Not after this." Zoe steps in, "I'm gonna go get her and take her home but you, you're gonna stay the hell away from her" she spat, her voice laced with disgust.

"She's my girlfriend, Zoe."

"Not after the shit you pulled today" Khalia chuckles humorlessly. "I'm gonna ride with you, Z."

Both girls storm off and Sev just stands there staring off into space.

"What am I gonna do?" Sev whispers mostly to herself. Tears fill her eyes, I can tell she doesn't know whether she wants to be angry or upset.

"You're gonna go talk to Bria" I say.

I feel everyone's eyes land on me, "why would she talk to Bria?"

"When the rest of you walked off, Jasmine corned me asking me where Bria was" I shrug, "so if you want answers you should start with her" with that I walk off.

I know I have no right to be pissed off with Sev but we were all there for her when Jasmine hu- when she put her through hell. She let that girl walk right back into her life and kiss her. And to top it all off they kissed and Billie saw.

Billie hasn't been my friend for long but she's so sweet and way to precious to have someone hurt her the way Sev has.

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