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                                    Sev's POV

It's been a few days since Billie.. I've been to her house everyday. I'm grateful her parents even let me, I told them everything that's been happening with Billie and I. They were a little upset at first but then I explained my whole life story to them and they haven't held my actions against me. I told them that they should hate me for what I did but they refused. They said I could go to their house anytime. Which is why I've just arrived there.

Maggie lets me in, greeting me with a warm hug. I step into the living room to see Patrick sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table watching what looks like football.

"Don't mind him honey, he's probably sleeping. I was just fixing lunch would you like a sandwich?" She says scurrying to the kitchen.

I follow after her, sitting in front of the island, "I already ate but that's for the offer. Has she-"

"No she still hasn't left her room. I made her a sandwich, will you take it up to her?" She sighs.

"Of course" I nod.

"Will you stay for dinner, her brother and his girlfriend are coming over later once they get settled in their hotel."

"She never mentioned she had a brother" my brows furrow.

"Finneas has been away at school in New York, they were really close but he hasn't called as much recently" she explains.

"Maybe his return will get her to leave her room" I sigh.

"Hopefully, here you go dear." Maggie hands me a tray it sandwich and a glass of water on it.

I carefully carry it to Billie's room, I knock softly but as usual no response. Pushing the door open slowly I peek in the see Billie sitting up in her bed with her back towards me.

"Hey.. uh your mom made you some lunch" I stammer while awkwardly standing in the doorway.


I set the tray down and carefully close the door. Cautiously I approach Billie on her bed, "Billie, please talk to me. I-I know I hurt you and I'm so sorry but please. Can you at least look at me?" My voice cracks towards the end of my question.

Without thinking my hand lands on her shoulder, she jerks away from my touch and turns to face me.

"Are you happy? I hope this is good enough. I have nothing to say to you." She mumbles, I gaze into her sad eyes.

"Y-you don't have to say anything .. j-just uh.. just listen to me" I beg.

"Sev I don't-"

I grab the hem of my shirt, lifting it enough to reveal my stomach "t-this is from the first time my mother really hurt me. She came home and the house wasn't cleaned to her liking so she hit me. We got into a fight in the kitchen and she tossed me onto the island.. I landed on a bunch of dishes. A few glasses broke and this happened" Billie's eyes fall to the vertical scar down the far side of my abdomen.

I turn around and pull my shirt off, "I hadn't responded to my ex-girlfriends messages all day because my mother broke my phone. I was sitting in the living room and she stormed through the front door. She took off her belt and I tried to run away. But she got two good hits in before I locked myself in the bathroom."

"Stop please!" Billie croaked. I spin around to face her and she immediately wraps her arms around my neck pulling me close. I hold her as tight as I can without hurting her.

"I'm so sorry" tears fall down my face, probably soaking her shirt.

Billie moves closer until she's practically in my lap, "please don't hate me anymore" she sobs.

"I could never hate you baby" the pet name falls out of my mouth before I can stop it.

We remain silent for what feels like a really long time, my hold on her never faltering.

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