Severus walked to the couch.

"Harry, come here. Drink this potion"

"What is that?" - Albus asked as the younger man tipped the vial into the boy's mouth.

"Muscles strengthening potion. I'm doing some research to create a potion to help his bladder. Right now, he could just use some muscles strengthening potions" - Severus answered.

Harry made a face and pouted at the taste. Severus just summoned a glass of water as if it happened daily and gave the child. Harry then sat back down and continued playing.

"What are you building, child?" - Albus asked as he looked at Harry's creation.

"It's a castle"

"Who's going to live there?"

"Uhm...someone good, and kind, and doesn't hurt others"

Even though he had a book in his hands, Severus followed the conversation.

"Okay. And what is this area?" - Albus asked, pointing at a square area created by placing 4 blocks together.

"It's the owner's room"

"And this is the door right?"

A nod

"Why is there another wall in front of the door?"

"So that he would be protected better. It's a magic wall. Only those people who don't hurt him can get through the wall"

The conversation went on like that until lunch. Everyone in the room but the boy knew that those questions helped them get a grasp on the child's mentality.

They have some sandwiches and soup for lunch. Albus noticed that Harry's portion got slightly bigger than the last time he had eaten with the boy, but it was still nowhere as much as the other children's.

After lunch, as usual, Harry took a nap while Albus wrote a letter to Minerva to update the boy's progress. She was understandably worried about him. Then he went into town for some fresh air. Meanwhile, Severus was reading some papers on the process of getting a minor's guardianship and its requirements. Albus had so kindly brought it to him because he 'found a spare copy in his office drawers' and thought Severus would like to read it in advance.

Severus woke Harry up an hour and a half later and helped him get out of his pull-up, which was dry.

"But it's dry" - the boy said proudly - "I don't have to change"

"How about this? You have just consumed a muscles strengthening potion this morning. We'll let you wear underwear this evening, then we'll put a pull-up on before bed. I want to observe how the potion takes effect and you can train yourself again. However, it's still ok if you have accidents. Is that alright?"

Harry hesitated but nodded.

"Thank you, let's go downstairs, shall we? Toppy has prepared something to fatten you up"

They walked down the stairs and Harry didn't feel very confident. He had been using protection for a few days now and had had several accidents. He felt like he would have another any second now.

Harry played with his blocks and cars for a while, then settled on the couch with Albus and read one of Harry's storybooks. The man had, to Severus' annoyance, decided he wanted to read aloud to Harry. Luckily Harry didn't mention their story time before bed. They were halfway through one of the tales when Harry felt a teeny tiny twinge in his bladder. He froze and tried to feel it.

"Professor! Toilet!" - he announced loudly as he wiggled away from Albus' side and slid off the couch.

Severus seemed confused for a second, then he recovered and moved over to Harry to help the boy to the toilet. Harry nearly ran into the downstairs bathroom. He stood in front of the potty attached to the wall and tried to undo his buckle.

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