Epic Battle (Danny: Bruh)

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Danny's sheild was failing and Vill was breaking in
"Uh anyone got a plan?" Danny nevously asked
"I do!" Mable shouted "First off I shoot them with my grappling hook, then Dipper does some nerdy magic on them and lastly Danny will use his ghost powers on them and catch them in his thermos!" Dipper and Danny looked at Mable and Dipper said "Mable, that plan will never work." Mable shrugged "It's worth a try."
"You know what? I think we are just gonna have to wing it!" Danny remarked as his sheild finally failed.

Vill watched in glee as Danny, Dipper, and Mable ran out of the mystery shack to face them.
"About time you come out to face your doom!" Vill said. Mable aimed her grappling hook at Vill and said
"No you!" Then she shot it but Vill turned intengible and the hook simply fell through them as they were laughing
"You really thought that was going to do something girl?" They remarked.

Mable frowned looking a bit embarrassed.
"Face it, you all are going to die and we're gonna win!"
Danny shot up to the air and studied them
"Well I do gotta say Vlad you out did yourself, I mean you went asking a Dorito demon for help in destroying me, now that's just sad." Danny teased
Vill fumed "You will regret not joining us!" They said as they shot a ball of echo fire at Danny.

Danny quickly dodged the attack and flew higher "My dad can aim better then that!" He shouted back.
In the air Vill, and Danny fought, they threw punches and attacked each other as Dipper and Mable watched them from the ground in horror.
"We need to do something!" Mable worriedly said. Dipper started to flip through his journal as he whispers "C'mon there has to be a spell in here or something that can help..." Then Dipper stopped on a page with a rather interesting spell "I found a spell that could help, it's a splitting spell! Mable and Dipper looked at the page, the spell seemed simple enough all you had to do was chant the writen spell and think of the being you want to split, if there was a possession going on in the being the one possessing will be split from the being.

Then Dipper and Mable heard a loud wailing sound and they looked up to see that Danny had produced a scream so loud and powerful it knocked Vill out of the sky and rocketing to the ground.

Vill hit the ground creating a crater where they landed and Danny floated down out of breath, he looked at Dipper and Mable and said
"And that my friends was my ghostly wail." Then Danny looked at Vill and tiredly asked
"you had enough?" But as he did so he turned back to human. Vill looked at Danny and grinned "No but I think you did."

Danny lowered his head in deafeat as he gasped for air he had about enough of this, but he didn't know how to defeat the enemy at hand. He heard growling and looked up to see Cujo was taking on Vill, then he felt a tap on his shoulder and looked over to see Dipper. Dipper leaned over and told Danny about the spell he found. Danny agreed that it could be useful. Then Danny went back to ghost.

"Me and Cujo will distract Vill while you do the spell." Dipper nodded in agreement and then Danny flew forwards to deal with Vill.
"I see you've met Cujo!" He shouted at them. Vill started to fight both Danny and Cujo but in mid punch they froze "What?" They shouted in confusion, but then their eyes went over to Dipper who was chanting the spell, his and Vlad's body was now encased in a purple glow and swiftly we see Vlad and Bill separate.

Vlad fell to his knees while Bill disappeared out of existence, then the spell stopped. Black rings appeared Vlad's waist and he turned from ghost to a human with white hair back in a ponytail and in a black suit. Before Vlad could do anything Mable shot him from behind with her grappling hook, the hook hit Vlad in the back of the head knocking him out. Mable kissed the weapon as she said
"I knew this would come in handy."

Danny turned back to human too panting, and Dipper looked around for Bill, oh wait where was Bill? Dippers heart dropped, where was Bill? But before anyone else could worry about Bill the surrounding time stopped and then stood there was a ghost shifting through ages. Clockwork.

Me: Omg that was a long chapter, took like forever to write
Dipper: Where's Bill...? WHERE IS BILL?
Me: Don't get your vest on too tight it will be explained in the next chapter, speaking of...

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