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Danny stopped as he walked into someone, he looked to see who it was and saw a familiar face, or shall I say two familiar faces. In front of him was Dipper, who he walked into and Mable who was standing near him. "Whoops sorry man I didn't see you there."
Danny said as he helped Dipper back up.
"It's fine."
Dipper replied.

"Act natural."
Danny thought. Maybe they didn't remember last night, or thought it was a dream. As natural as Danny could he pointed at the twins
"Hey I remember you guys, Dipper and Mable, right?"
Mable jumped up playing with her hair
"And I remember you."
She laughed
"Oh couldn't I forget you."

Danny frowned but then heard girlish giggles from behind Mable, he looked over to see two more girls. A Korean girl with glasses and a green sweater, and a bigger girl with her light brown hair tied in a ponytail and a pink shirt with hearts. Mable noticed Danny looking at the girls and jumped into action
"Danny, this is Grenada."
She pointed to the bigger girl
"And Candy."
She pointed to the Korean girl. Mable then turned to her friends and said "Girls,"
jesters to Danny.
"This is Danny."
"Hi Danny."
The girls both said with a laugh. Danny noted that Grenada's voice was deep and manly while Candys was high pitched.

Danny waved at them awkwardly and said hi back. The two girls giggled again.
"Oh no." Danny thought
"Now they got a crush on me too." (Danny, everyone does, have you seen fanfics written by other people?!)

Mable said interrupting Danny's thoughts.
"What are you still doing in Gravity Falls Danny?"
Dipper narrowed his eyes at Danny "Yeh Danny, what are you still doing here?"
Yep they definitely still remember last night.
"My family decided to stop here and check the place out."
Danny lied
"Oh really?"
Dipper replied.

Dipper isn't buying it, but Mable seemed to, or at least she didn't seem to care.
"Great maybe me and the girls, plus Dipper can show you around town." Mable offered.

Danny thought about it for a moment, he decided it couldn't hurt, right? He takes Mables offer and they showed him around town.
"There's where I met Merando." Mable said as she pointed to the public pool, she then whispered to Danny
"He was a hot mer-man."
"A what?"
Danny asked but Mable went on as if he didn't.
"And that's where the mini golf people live."
She points to a mini golf court
"Oh and that is the junkyard that McJucket lives." (Is it McJucket or McBucket I don't remember, but Ima go with McJunket cause McBucket sounds like something that be sold at McDonalds.)

Danny was listening to Mable as he thought
"Dang is she on Smile Dip or something?"
Mable went on with her tour till Candy interrupted her.
"So Danny, where do you come from?" Danny hesitated, what was he gonna say? Reluctantly he said
Which was true since Amitypark was located there.
"Oh from where in Illinois?"
Dipper asked clearly quizzing Danny. "Umm..."
Danny said desperately trying to come up with a Illinois town. Eventually Danny answered

Dippers suspicions grew bigger as Danny answered his question as if unsure of his own answer, well at least he didn't say Springfeild, but he still lied and Dipper knew it. But why would Danny lie? Is he evil? What are Danny's secretes?

Danny: Rockford? Really?
Me: Well it's a town in Illinois ain't it, I was thinking on having you say the capital, Springfeild but that just seemed like a obvious answer, but let's not talk much I'm on a roll!

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