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"Bill..." Dipper said with a gasp.
"Pine tree, Shooting Star good to see you again!" Bill said.
Danny looked at the being in front of him, it was a large glowing yellow triangle with a top hat, bow tie, and cane, and he had one huge eye in the center of him. Bill looked over to Danny and his eye shaped into a smile.
"Well, well, well, lookey here a new member to the group. I think I'll call you Spooks, how does that sound, halfa."

Bill held out his hand for Danny to shake
"Names Bill, Spooks."
Danny decided it probably wasn't a good idea to shake Bills hand, so he declined the hand gesturexas he backed up and got into a fighting stance.
"I don't know who or what you are, but I can tell you're probably evil."
"Haha alright Spooks whatever you say then."

Danny shot an ecto blast at the triangle, it blasted a hole into Bills side at Impact but Bill just laughed as the hole disappeared.
"A fighter are we now." He said. Dipper found his voice, he needed to say something so he cleared his throat "Bill! What are you doing here?!"
Bill turned to Dipper and gave him a hard stare
"I'm just here saying hi to our new friend Pine tree."
At that Bill turned to Danny and threw blue fire at him, before Danny knew it he got hit by the flame right in the chest, he hit the ground with a force that knocked him out cold.

Dipper and Mable watched as that blue ring formed around his waist and Danny turned back into human. Diaper and Mable starred at him still unused to his transformation.
Bill then broke the silence with laughter
"Hey Pine tree, Shooting Star, when Spooks wakes back up, tell him not to mess with me or my plans." And then Bills voice became more dark and his body turned red
"Or I will make him fully dead."
He then turned back to yellow and shouted
"Later!, oh and remember reality is a illusion the universe an hologram, buy gold bye!"

Then Bill disappeared, the time started to move and the colors came back. Dipper and Mable looked at Danny's unconscious body.
"Oh no." Dipper said under his breath.

Me: *gasp* Bill? I didn't see that one coming
Dipper: What? Every time I almost said his name you covered my mouth or pushed me out of the way!
Me: What? Noo, Me? Couldn't of been
Danny: You kinda did...
Me: (ignores him) well back to the story!

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