The Mystery Shack

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Inside the Mystery Shack we are met with a busy sight as people are wondering the gift shop part, and being amazed by an old man wearing a suit, red hat, and a eyepatch he clearly didn't need, showing off cheaply made monstors.

A red haired teen wearing a green plaid shirt, jeans, lumber jack hat and shoes was reading a magazine behind the counter paying no attention to the customers trying to buy stuff.

The. The old man turned and shouted at her. "Wendy get back to work!"

The girl quickly put her magazine down and replied "You got it Mr. Pines!"

As she hurriedly manned the cash register. Next to the checkout counter on a stool sat a young boy with chocolate brown hair peaking out from under a blue and white hat with a pine tree on it, he had a vest on over a orange shirt and shorts.

He was intensely reading a red book that had a gold six fingered hand on the cover with the number 3 on the hand, the boy was mubleing to himself.

A girl about the boys same age rushes in, in fact she kinda looked like him except her brown hair reached to her waist and she was wearing a pink and purple sweater with a unicorn-cat on it that said "meowcical." On it.

"Dipper!" She yelled at her twin. Dipper got jump scared by her and fell out of his seat as his book fell with him landing on his face.

Grumbling he stood up and looked at his sister.
"What is it Mable?" He asked annoyed.

Mable smiled and in a singsong voice she said
"Guess what I did today."
"I dunno, what?" Dipper replied.

Mable smiled as she opened her mouth and said "I bedazzled my tounge."

Sure enough passed her braced teeth Dipper saw that Mable had stuck sticky gem stones to her tounge. Dipper raised a eyebrow "Why?"

Mable happily said "Because I could."

Dipper sighed and got back on his stool and returned to reading his book when the door opened allowing a teen with messy black hair and blue eyes to come in. Mable looked up at the teen and her jaw dropped. She shook her brother to get his attention he looked up with a "mhm?"

Mable pointed at the boy and said "Who is he?"
Dipper looked at the ravin haired boy and shrugged
"I dunno, a tourist."
Mable looked at him and quietly said "He's cute..."
Dipper looked at the boy and rolled his eyes
"Oh no Mable, don't fall for him, I mean you don't even know him and he looks far more older then you."
But Mable hushed Dipper before he could say anything else and she raced over to the boy, she jumped in front of him and excitedly thrusting out her hand she said
"Hi I'm Mable! But you can call me honey..."

The boy nervously rubbed the back of his neck at this weird girl attempting to flirt with him.

As he reluctantly shook her hand. He reponded with
"Hi, um I'm Daniel, but you can call me Danny."
Mable smiled and pointed to her brother
"Okay Danny, that nerd every there is my brother Dipper."
Dipper looked up at his sisters remark and said "What the, a nerd?"
Ignoring Dipper she pointed to Wendy who was back to her magazine after dealing with the customers "That's Wendy." Wendy waved her hand in a greeting way and said
Mable pointed over to a man wearing a baseball cap, green shirt with a question mark, and shorts working on a vending machine "This is our handyman Soos."
Soos chuckled and said "And I bet you didn't even noticed me here."
Then he went back to working.
Mr. Pines lead some tourists into the gift shop "And here's the end of our tour! Feel free to buy any of our not so useless junk from the gift shop!" Mable pointed at the old man and said "And that's out Grunkle Stan!"

Danny turned his head sideways "Grunkle?..."
Dipper carelessly answered
"It means he's our great uncle."
Mable turned to Danny
"So Danny what brings you to the Mystery Shack?" Danny rubbed the back of his neck again "Well I got lost and I was hoping you could tell me where I am... And some directions be nice too."

At that remark Dipper looked up at Danny, "Lost?" He thought. Danny looked to be about 15, too young to be traveling by himself.
Mable though seemed not to care as she opened he mouth into a smile and thrust up her arms "Well then Danny,... Welcome to Gravity Falls Oregon!"
"Gravity Falls?" Thought Danny.
Sure Oregon is a real place but he's never heard of Gravity Falls.

Then it struck him, he must be in a different dimension, like his but with extra towns. Looking down at Mable, Danny noticed something else.
"Is there glitter on you tounge?"
He asked.
Akawardly Mable spat out the gemstones and she said "Noo, why?"

Danny looked up at Mable's brother who was studying him intensely, when he noticed that Danny was looking at him he quickly looked back into his weird book.

Danny shrugged and thanked Mable for her help and got a map from her, then he slipped out of the shack hoping not to be noticed, but Stan did notice and he walked up to Mable "Did that boy buy anything?" He asked Mable shook her head no. Stan then threw up his hands
"Then what was the point of stopping by?"
He said as he was walking off.

Me: Ha! I had a lot of fun writing that chapter!
Mable: 😍😘❤️💖
Danny: Sos
Dipper: (Facepalm)
Me: Hahh, I like being the author,... Anyways unto the story

Phantom FallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora