Son of a Fried up Fruit Loop

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Did he just do that?
Those kids are smart.
Danny flew over the trees wondering on how he was so stupid to give those kids his first name, to fly over the Mystery Shack, to not just walk back to town as a human.

Danny was flying as he started to get a feeling of being watched. Danny looked up to the moon, except for it wasn't the moon, it was a large eye.

Danny froze in his tracks as he stared up at the eye he blinked and the eye was gone. He looked around, maybe he had imagined it he was a bit tired and needed sleep.

So Danny found a cave a settled in there for the night.  Tomorrow he'll search the town more and even maybe find a way back to Amity Park. He then fell asleep, but he was still be watched by a differnt being...

Me: Another short chapter eh
Dipper Oh my gosh bf---
Me: (covers his mouth) I thought I told you to stay out of here
Dipper: But--
Me: (Wipes his memory with the blind eye memory wiper) anyways next chapter

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