41 ⦻ The Typical 'Y/N'

Start from the beginning

Brittany reached out and pushes me and I drop all my things on the floor. "(Y/N2) (L/N2), maybe you should've been the one to disappear all those months instead of (Y/N) (L/N)!" Brittany shouted at me.

I look up at her with my one good eye, a large maniacal smirk on my face. "Maybe I will," I mutter.

Brittany scoffed at me and then her friends stepped up and took turns kicking me and calling me a freak. But I only smiled and laughed while they kicked me because I was already used to the pain. And I'm gonna make them pay soon enough, hehe~...>:3

The bell rang and the girls stopped, then got in one more kick at me before running off to their class.I slowly get up with my hair falling over my face and pull my hood back over me, walking to my class while limping. Tears streaked down my face but I didn't care, I don't care that my life is so horrible.


Ugh school was so dumb and boring so I didn't even pay attention anyways. I fell asleep in all my classes and dreamed about the woods that's right outside my neighborhood. Sometimes I wish I could just run away and be free and live in the woods. I read stories about SlenderMan and he's so cool and mysterious and he understands me and I wish he would take me away to the Slender Mansion so I could live with him and all the Creepypastas!!!

"Please come take me Slendey. Save me from all this pain," I whisper as I stare out into the sky, tears falling down my face.

Once school was finally over, I was heading on my way to catch the bus. "Hey (Y/N2)! Where do you think you're going?" I hear the familiar mocking voices of the boys that bully me, Caleb, Dylan, and Kyle. They always hang out with the popular girls and they make fun of me.

I turn around dramatically while my hoodie flips off my head and my hair flows behind me. My sharingan eye is accidentally showing oh shit. They stop running towards me and gasp in fear, "Wh-What are you, you freak!? Let's get her!" Caleb shouted, and suddenly they start running at me.

I quick turn around and start running as fast as I could, guess I'll have to miss the bus today. The boys chase me all the way from school and even into my own neighborhood. I need to get rid of them! >.>

I run into the woods, thinking that I'll lose them there. No they're still following me! I growl and suddenly I trip over a large rock. My frail helpless body falls on the ground and my neko hoodie flips off my head. "Stay back or I'll kick your asses!" I scream at them, but there's a big smile on my face.

"You creep! We're gonna beat you up because that's what the bullies always do!" Caleb yelled and pointed at his lackeys to run at me. I prepare to get beat up again when suddenly the boys stop in their tracks and look at something behind me with huge wide eyes.

There's a loud static and suddenly all three are falling to their knees, grabbing their ears and screaming. I see something tall and black step towards them, and then I notice tentacles come from its back. The tentacles go and grab the boys and I watch them start to get ripped apart by the strange figure.

I watched with an emotionless stare but I couldn't believe it. I held my exposed bleeding shoulder and watched as the last boy was torn apart and thrown on the ground. Slowly, the figure turned to me and I see that he was tall and faceless and wore a suit.

"S-S-SlenderMan..." I whisper in a quiet voice before falling asleep.

- - - (Y/N) The Walker's p. o. v. - - -

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